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What follows is a translation of parts of Inwentarz Starostwa Rohatynskiego Miasta y wsiow do niego nalezacych na Gruncie spisany y werifikowany 3 Xbris 1725 ano (Inventory of the town and the villages belonging to [the Rohatyn District], recorded and verified on site on 3rd December, 1725). In addition to providing and interesting inventory of land, buildings, and significant businesses in town, the document also provides a kind of inventory of the town’s property owners, many of whom were Jewish.
Rohatyn’s Castle (p. 3)
It is situated near the Fara Church between the earth mounds where the fence is standing with affixed [wooden] shingles; behind the rooms [living quarters] several [fence sections] are missing going from the castle walls behind the bakery and to as far as the city walls. There is an old double gate between the pillars with a wooden bar and iron-made [some locking mechanism]. The old walls are damaged; there is one shop with a simple door made of wooden planks. In these walls are two iron gratings; one of them has horizontal and perpendicular bars, the second is missing horizontal bars. By the [castle] wall a rotten wooden grain storage is situated near the church; the door leading inside are fastened with an iron staple; [inside] there is floor and four divisions for grain storage. The building with the living quarters at the foot of the mound is old with poor roof, at places new shingles have been used for the repairs. The door to the hallway has iron hinges; to the right is a chamber with a carpenter-made door and the handle. Inside, there is green old tiled stove, a simple wardrobe and five windows; one is framed in the wood, the other is half in wood and cotton [insulation]. There is another hallway with a single window, wooden cabinet on a side. The flooring is made of stone, the brick and mortar chimney goes above the roof, green tiled stove sits on the foundation. Few windows have broken glass. There is a good wardrobe made by a carpenter, two tables, four bad stools…To the left, one encounters a big dining chamber. Inside, there is a tiled stove on the foundation. Old tiles and the chimney are white. There are few windows with broken glass, the flooring is made of stone and two benches are placed on both sides. This building needs many repairs.
The building with the bakery and the kitchen is old; the walls near the mound are [partially] buried. At the end of this building there is a cellar, with the steps leading into it. Its walls are made of deal [fir]. In this building, one enters into a large hallway through a door suspended on iron hinges with a wooden handle. In the middle a kitchen stove is noted and above it the chimney is supported by oak pillars. Going to the left is an old wooden bakery, with one window and broken glass. Its stove is black. On the right side is a small room, with a small new tiled stove. It has two windows framed in a wood, a simple wardrobe; the beams are supporting weakened walls, on the side of the church some repairs are visible. Next, there is a small storage space without door. Directly behind the carriage house, there is a new stable. Its pillars are a bit rotten, the double gate is with the locking mechanism. The feeding grooves [for animals] that seen around are in good shape; they are situated behind the stable by the castle fence. A small wicket gate leads toward the church.
Lord’s Brewery (p. 5)
It is located beyond the mound, by the mill and fenced. The door has the lock and bolt. The new large cauldron is from Gdansk; it was purchased by Mr. Rozwadowski for 250 złoty and 5 groszy. There are twenty beer oak tubs (barrels), two other tubs for fruit liquor (barrels), and three other.
Lord’s Winery (p. 5)
It is erected beyond the mound and near the mill, it is constructed of brushwood kept together by clay and covered by shingles. Entering through the door from the direction of the town, there are six stoves (?), trench with oak pipes, and beyond it is a well (more likely water collection), receiving water from the mill. In the winery, there is a small chamber with the door containing a simple tile stove and the second black stove with a vent (?). There are two windows with the glass broken. Through other door, one enters the hallway in the direction of the mound. Some repairs were carried out there by prior lessees.
Malt House (p. 5)
It was built using a new lumber beyond the Halicz Gate by the river, it is covered by shingles. Entering it from the direction of the town, one passes through the door with the closing mechanism to the large wooden chamber, there is the anteroom with the brushwood and new brick and mortar stove for drying malt. To the left, there is small room that can serve as a living place; the door to the room is in good condition with iron hinges, handle and lock. In this room there is one simple new stove and the fireplace, there are two windows framed in the wood. Next to the left, there is well built wooden storage warehouse.
Obligations of the Burghers from the Old and the New Town (p. 6)
They ought to pay rent of 4 grosz for living on [open land] parcels and for living along the streets. For the huts that are on the mounds and further away, they pay 2 grosz, as specified in the table. The details [also] indicate the obligations of corvée [unpaid labor] toward local mill and toward building of a new pond installation or its repair if damaged by the act of God; if it would become damaged by their incompetence, they ought to pay larger amount, as well as return in labor other obligations according to the ancient customary laws.
The Town of Rohatyn (p. 6)
1. Ciszka Szymonowa widow................... 4 Gr Jewess 2. Mendlicha widow.......................... 4 Gr Jewess 3. Zus Litmanow [1]......................... 4 Gr Jew 4. Moszko Szepteliszyn...................... 4 Gr Jew 5. Empty Parcel Berkiewicz.................. 4 Gr 6. Majer Fajwelowicz........................ 4 Gr Jew 7. Chaim son-in-law of Szepteliszyn......... 4 Gr Jew 8. Empty Parcel Uhlinski.................... 4 Gr 9. Ankiel Metyszyn [2]...................... 4 Gr Jew 10. Josef Satanowski........................ 4 Gr Jew 11. Moszko Abramahowicz..................... 4 Gr Jew 12. Chaim Danielow.......................... 4 Gr Jew 13. Jos Dawidow............................. 4 Gr Jew 14. Icko Grewnin............................ 4 Gr Jew 15. Sapsa on two parcels [3]................ 8 Gr Jew 16. Lord’s House belonging to a Lessee...... 17. Jan Kahurny newcomer construction....... 18. Icko tenement house of the Israelites... 4 Gr Jew 19. Moszko Brzezanski....................... 4 Gr Jew 20. Son-of-law Szulimowicz.................. 4 Gr Jew 21. Woyciech barber......................... 4 Gr 22. Jos Kamieniecki......................... 4 Gr Jew 23. Mosio Szaiszym.......................... 4 Gr Jew 24. Naftula [4]............................. 4 Gr Jew 25. Wulf, son of Abram Szaiszym............. 4 Gr Jew 26. Golda Hirszowa widow.................... 4 Gr Jewess 27. Chaja Salamonowicz...................... 4 Gr Jew 28. On the Parcel lives Wulf................ 4 Gr Jew 29. Eliasz, Litman’s son-in-law............. 4 Gr Jew 30. Empty Parcel Safianowski................ 31. Empty Parcel Icko Szalony............... 32. House Samson Janowicz................... 4 Gr Jew 33. Jankiel Sukiennik....................... 4 Gr Jew 34. Empty Parcel Gierszon Jew............... 4 Gr Jew 35. Moszko Leyzorow......................... 4 Gr Jew 36. Moszko Leyzorow's hut................... 4 Gr Jew 37. Zus Bienkowski.......................... 4 Gr Jew 38. Hirsz for Szulim Jakubowicz............. 4 Gr Jew 39. Rubin Eliaszowicz....................... 4 Gr Jew 40. Iwan Holdon blacksmith.................. 4 Gr 41. Stefan Holdon blacksmith................ 4 Gr 42. Empty Parcel Salamon’s.................. 43. Szymon son-in-law of Leib............... 4 Gr Jew
LWOWSKA ULICA (LWÓW STREET): Jewish names only of 100 total
1. Szmuylo son-in-law of Szlomo............. 4 Gr Jew 2. Szulim Oronow............................ 4 Gr Jew 3. Szaja in the hut of Czarnopuski.......... 4 Gr Jew 4. Chaim Samborski.......................... 4 Gr Jew 5. Oszur Usciecki........................... 4 Gr Jew 6. Zonwel................................... 4 Gr Jew 7. Icko Kamieniecki......................... 4 Gr Jew 8. Dawidko Wulfow........................... 4 Gr Jew 9. Abram Koniuszecki........................ 4 Gr Jew 10. Szmala Smarkaty Rozdolski............... 4 Gr Jew 11. Szulim son-in-law of Szaj............... 4 Gr Jew 12. Icko Kamieniecki........................ 4 Gr Jew 13. Nuhim Rozdolski......................... 4 Gr Jew 14. Szmuylo Chaim ? on Terlecki’s property.. 4 Gr Jew 15. Jos Malego (Little) Majer............... 4 Gr Jew 16. Jankiesza Dodyszyna widow............... 4 Gr Jewess 17. Jossel Szmuytokowicz.................... 4 Gr Jew 18. Leyzor Bolechowski...................... 4 Gr Jew 19. Leyba Grewnin........................... 4 Gr Jew 20. Moszko Drohobycki burned empty.......... 21. Abram Chodorowski....................... 4 Gr Jew 22. Moszczycha Krawczycha widow............. 4 Gr Jewess 23. Icko Muzyka............................. 4 Gr Jew 24. Chaim Kramarz........................... 4 Gr Jew
1. Josio Leyzorszo.......................... 4 Gr Jew 2. Hyrsz Mostowy............................ 4 Gr Jew 3. Moszko Jukief barber [5]................. 4 Gr Jew 4. Josel ? Szeptyliszin..................... 4 Gr Jew 5. Szloma Szeptyliszin Szulow............... 4 Gr Jew
SMALL HOUSES ON THE MOUND: Jewish names only of 43 total
1. Hewszczcy son of Ognisty................. 2 Gr Jew 2. Nesalonowa ? widow....................... 2 Gr Jewess 3. Berko son of Oronow...................... 2 Gr Jew 4. Abramkowa widow winery worker............ 2 Gr Jewess 5. Szymon Dobylew........................... 2 Gr Jew 6. Moszkowa Ognista widow................... 2 Gr Jewess 7. Jankiel Markow........................... 2 Gr Jew 8. Ayzyk Rzeznik............................ 2 Gr Jew 9. Hyrsz Kramarz............................ 2 Gr Jew 10. Jankiel Lwowski......................... 2 Gr Jew 11. Litman Zlotnik.......................... 2 Gr Jew 12. Abram Gamleyczyn burned................. 13. Chaim Gamleyczyn........................ 2 Gr Jew 14. Srulowa Gamleyczycka widow.............. 2 Gr Jewess 15. Hyrszko Pikasow......................... 2 Gr Jew 16. Kopel Smusiow........................... 2 Gr Jew 17. Leyba Heysyjow ?........................ 2 Gr Jew 18. Bepol Krawiec........................... 2 Gr Jew 19. Gdalowa’s hut burned.................... 20. Majer Szmyciow.......................... 2 Gr Jew 21. Abramka butcher’s daughter.............. 2 Gr Jewess 22. Josio Kuczma............................ 2 Gr Jew 23. Chaja widow midwife..................... 2 Gr Jewess 24. Chaja Hyrszowa.......................... 2 Gr Jewess 25. Icko Beniamin........................... 2 Gr Jew
No Jewish names
No Jewish names
No Jewish names
The land halls under the authority of the Castle and they belong to the [census] rolls of the district; they themselves remain under legal protection of the Church in order to avoid paying tax on the profit. Hence to punish them, the Castle Authority should take possession of these land parcels and give them to those who pay income tax to the treasure.
No Jewish names
The Orthodox Priest from the New Town, Father Joannes, [who is] free from rent by the privilege of His Grace.
The New Town (p. 12)
No Jewish names
HUTS IN THE GARDENS [vegetable fields] (total 16)
No Jewish names
One carries the name Iwas Miller, with a son-of-law, and the other [is called] Piotrowski; they have two mills with five [grinding] stones; they do not record revenues only their lessees pay 10 złoty every quarter for each stone. However, they ought to pay a tithe for the land and the apiary; these millers have also mill’s pond [illegible].
Fields [suitable] for setting apiaries cultivated and empty; those who have apiaries give apiarian tithe and do not pay [rent]; those who do not have apiary ought to pay [rent].
– Rents from the burghers’ Houses of the Old and the New Town, Huts on the Mound and in the Garden: 27 Zł 18 Gr
– Rents from Municipal Land: 9 Zł 12 Gr
– From the Municipal Fields and Lord’s Tanneries: 54 Zł 15 Gr
– From Empty Apiary Fields: 26 Zł
– From the Shoemakers, the annual rent: 5 Zł 18 Gr
[1] LitmanA ‘faktor’ in Rohatyn in the province belonging to the Sieniawski family. In 1709 during the Adam Śmigielski’s division attack had losses/damages of 500zł (2640, page 559). In 1710 lived in his own house and had tenants, Lwów Jews (Ew. 118A). Probably he was collecting “head” tax on Jews in 1711 and was in trouble because of the difference between the books and the cash. [2] Metyszyny (Metyszyn) Ankiel, Jankiel (Jąkiel)
A synagogue and kahal representative with city council, members were board members responsible for counting the damages/losses done by Adam Śmigielski’s division in Rohatyn on 13.05.1709 (2640, pages 559-568). He estimated his damages as 935zł (ibidem, page 559). In the tax register, it is noted that he, a house owner, lived with his mother, two house women, a wine producer of unknown name, two servants/farm boys, and ‘szynkarka’ (guesthouse / bar managing lady). It is clear that the house was pretty large and he was a wealthy person. [3] Sapsa
A lesee in Rohatyn in the province belonging to Adam M. Sieniawski in 1715. Although he already paid taxes for land in Rohatyn in the amount of 100zl, he had to provide proof of checks to the priest of the Rohatyn parish church that he did not have the duty of paying the tax. As a deposit for this, he lost his horse. Eventually the army chief (Hetman) soldiers gave it back to him (5826, number 13743, 10.08.1715, letter of S. Grodzicki to Adam M. Sieniawski). [4] Nastula (Naftuła)
A citizen of Rohatyn. Firlejów Pond and Ruda Pond lesee in the Rohatyn province – with Hirsz and Abram. They got the lease from Elżbieta Sieniawska on 07.09.1702 for a sum of 8500zł for 3/4 of the year thus this 1703 Pentecost (2581, vol. 2, pages 89-92). [5] Jukiefowicz Moszko
A barber in Rohatyn in the province belonging to the Sieniawski family in 1725-1728. Son of Jukief (Ew. 118).
Kraków Wawel archive documents acquired by Dr. Alex Feller for the Rohatyn District Research Group (RDRG). Polish to English translation by Dr. Andrew Zalewski.