Rohatyn Jewish Heritage in the Media

Ця сторінка також доступна українською.

An interview for local Ukrainian TV

An interview for local Ukrainian TV in the Rohatyn public library about our headstone recovery work. Photo © 2011 Jay Osborn.

Our projects of heritage, history, and education have appeared in a variety of media during the past few years; direct links to several articles and conference presentations are included here. See also the broader coverage of heritage issues on the References and Links page.


on the Jewish Heritage Europe website:

09Aug2024: Ukraine: “Jewish Stones UA”, A New Resource for Jewish cemeteries in western Ukraine; announcing the launch of a headstone photo and epitaph database project jointly organized by Rohatyn Jewish Heritage and the Sholem Aleichem Jewish Cultural Society of Lviv together with more than a dozen volunteers; as of this date, the website documents standing and recovered Jewish headstones in Dobromyl, Sokal, and Zbarazh, with documentation for Rohatyn just starting

07Aug2024: Jewish cemetery clean-ups 2024 — Round-up #2. Nearly 80 actions in 17 countries; a significantly-expanded listing of ongoing or planned cemetery care projects in Europe, among those are seven projects in Ukraine; including our three-season cemetery and mass grave site care in Rohatyn, with mention of our installation of information signs at the mass grave sites in the city

26Jul2024: Ukraine Update: New signage at Rohatyn mass grave sites; coverage of the RJH project with ESJF to develop and install signs with information about the Jewish history of Rohatyn and specifically about the two mass graves, with photos of Jewish people of Rohatyn, a heritage map, and QR codes; links to our 14Jul2024 news report

01May2024: Jewish Cemetery Clean-ups — Our first round-up of initiatives for 2024; a listing of ongoing and planned cemetery care projects in Europe, with more than 40 activities in 13 countries; two are listed for Ukraine, including our plans for Rohatyn as we announced on Facebook

01Sep2023: Ukraine: Headstone recovery in Sokal; coverage of the project organized by local activist Oksana Savchuk and the Lviv Volunteer Center (LVC) with support of local city officials, Rohatyn Jewish Heritage, and other regional volunteers, to recover dozens of Jewish headstones from one of Sokal’s Christian cemeteries and transport them to the city’s large synagogue ruin for a future memorial monument; links to Marla’s Facebook post of 30Aug2023 and to past posts summarizing the cooperation plans

02Apr2023: Ukraine: New informational signage installed at the 2 Jewish cemeteries in Rohatyn; coverage of the RJH project to develop and install signs with information about the Jewish history of Rohatyn and specifically about the two cemeteries, with photos of Jewish people of Rohatyn, a heritage map, and QR codes; links to our 30Mar2023 news report

03May2021: Ukraine: Death of Mykhailo Vorobets, longtime guardian of Jewish heritage and memory in Rohatyn; marking the passing of RJH’s first and most significant local supporter, after more than 25 years connecting modern Rohatyn to the Jewish diaspora, and 10 years of joint work with RJH; links to our 02May2021 news report

11Nov2020: Jewish Cemetery Clean-ups – Round-up 4; an updated review of ongoing cemetery clearing work across Europe , including a cross-post of our 23Oct2020 news report wrapping up clearing work at the cemeteries in Rohatyn during 2020, featuring the hard work of RJH team member Vasyl Yuzyshyn and other Ukrainian volunteer friends

17Sep2020: Jewish Cemetery Clean-ups – Round-up 3; a detailed review of ongoing cemetery clearing work across Europe with a special section on headstone recoveries, including a cross-post of our 15Aug2020 news report on a headstone recovery surprise during summer clearing work at the old cemetery in Rohatyn

10Jul2020: Ukraine: Major new resource for Jewish cemetery preservation in western Ukraine; a review with links to the recently-published website “A Guide to Jewish Cemetery Preservation in Western Ukraine” developed by Rohatyn Jewish Heritage under a grant from Fulbright, and announced 07Jul2020 on our news page

03Sep2018: Ukraine: Lviv honors dozens of Jewish heritage activists with 75 “keys to the city”; detailed coverage of the award event commemorating the 75th anniversary of the liquidation of the Lviv ghetto and Janowska camp

26Jun2018: Ukraine: Dozens of matzevot rescued from under L’viv street; had been used as paving; coverage of the LVC-led volunteer action to recover matzevot from under vul. Hanny Barvinok in Lviv

29Dec2017: Ukraine: Rohatyn non-invasive survey report published; a review of and links to our summary of the 2017 non-invasive mass graves boundaries survey, including the full report from the archaeologists

17Dec2017: Further signs of Jewish Heritage cooperation in western Ukraine; a cross-post of our 15Dec2017 news report on the second Lviv roundtable to discuss and network Jewish heritage projects in seven towns, including Rohatyn

06Jun2017: Ukraine: Holocaust mass graves survey at Rohatyn completed; related to our 05Jun2017 news report on the RJH-funded 9-day non-invasive archaeological survey of three mass grave sites

12Feb2017: Ukraine: Signals of cooperation in Jewish heritage work; a cross-post of our 10Feb2017 news report on the Lviv roundtable on Jewish heritage

24Jan2017: New Resource on Jewish Gravestone History & Meaning; a summary and links to our Written in Stone article and the YIVO Encyclopedia article from which we quote extensively

24Jul2016: Uprooted Jewish gravestones, and their return to Jewish Cemeteries; includes Warsaw, Brest, Vilnius, and other cities, plus a detailed summary of our project in Rohatyn

08Jul2016: Jewish cemetery clean-up in Nasielsk, Poland: first-hand report (cross-post)

08May2016: Cemetery restoration: report on hands-on experience and how-to (cross-post)

25~28Oct2015: Cross-Disciplinary Conference of European Jewish Cemeteries in Vilnius, Lithiania; Marla Raucher Osborn on the Role of the Internet in Jewish Heritage Preservation

11Jun2015: Rohatyn Update; about the new memorial in the New Jewish Cemetery, and the movement of recovered headstone fragments to the Old Jewish Cemetery

09Nov2014: More Fragments of Matzevot Recovered in Rohatyn, Ukraine

24Apr2014: More Headstone Fragments Discovered in Rohatyn

30Jan2014: Jewish Gravestones in Poland/Ukraine: Lists and New Discoveries

23~25Apr2013: Working Seminar on Managing Jewish Immovable Heritage in Kraków, Poland; Marla Raucher Osborn on A Jewish Genealogist’s Viewpoint, and Questions

28May2012: Ukraine: Report on Rohatyn Cemetery Project

May2012: In Focus: Rohatyn, Ukraine: Jewish Headstones & Human Remains. Where to Go from Here?


in the Голос Опілля (Voice of Opillia) newspaper of Rohatyn:

14Jun2024: Споминаючи ліквідацію гетто 81 рік тому (in Ukrainian: “Remembering the liquidation of the ghetto 81 years ago”); about a commemoration at the site of the mass killing and burial of Rohatyn’s Jewish community and those of other nearby towns following the 1943 liquidation of the Jewish ghetto in Rohatyn, as covered in our news article of 06Jun2024

18Aug2023: Olha Konopada, «Безголосся» – Людська пам’ят жива (in Ukrainian: “Wordless” – Human memory lives); about the screening of a documentary film on the Holocaust in Turka (Lviv oblast) at the Rohatyn central library and the guided discussion afterwards, as covered in our news article of 12Aug2023

28Apr2023: Olena Kulynchak, Зверігаємо історичну спадщину (in Ukrainian: “Preserving our historical heritage”); about the new information signs designed and installed by RJH and ESJF at both of Rohatyn’s Jewish cemeteries, as covered in our news article of 30Mar2023

24Mar2023: Запрошення рогатинських вчителів та бібліотекарів краю (in Ukrainian: “Invitation to Rohatyn teachers and librarians of the region”), an announcement by Marla Raucher Osborn of Rohatyn Jewish Heritage about the availability of free copies of the Jack Glotzer wartime Rohatyn memoir, “I Survived the Holocaust Against All Odds”, now at the Rohatyn central library.

23Sep2022: Спогади про голокост Ґлоцера опубликуют у двомовній книзі (in Ukrainian: “Glotzer Holocaust memoir to be published as a bilingual book”); adapting our news article of 09Sep2022 announcing the UCHS project to revise and print Jack Glotzer’s Rohatyn memoir “I Survived the Holocaust Against All Odds” for free use in Rohatyn schools, which was previously released in free digital versions in English, Ukrainian, and Polish languages.

08Jul2022: Забуттю не підлягає (in Ukrainian: “Not to be forgotten”); about the anniversary memorial event for the victims of the Rohatyn Jewish ghetto liquidation in June 1943, held in wartime conditions in 2022, as covered in our news article of 06Jun2022

25Mar2022: Marla Raucher Osborn, Україна зараз бореться за всіх нас (in Ukrainian: Ukraine is now fighting for all of us); a translation into Ukrainian of her thoughts and concerns about the ongoing Russian invasion and war on Ukraine.

12Feb2021: Mykhailo Vorobets, Рогатин Давній–Сучасний (in Ukrainian: “Rohatyn Ancient and Modern”); about the history of the Jewish community of Rohatyn, with a photo and description of the old Jewish cemetery near the city center; part of an occasional series on the history of the city in photos

11Dec2020: Як громадянка США рятує єврейську спадщину в Україні (in Ukrainian: “How a US Citizen is Saving Jewish Heritage in Ukraine”); local Rohatyn translation and coverage of a 20Jul2020 interview by JewishNews (see below). The feature continues and concludes in the 18Dec2020 edition.

22May2020: Svitlana Roskosh, А чи всі ми пам’ятаємо ті місця, куди не має заростати стежка? (in Ukrainian: “Do we all remember the places where the path should not become overgrown?”); about the springtime Jewish cemetery clearing work begun by RJH Ukrainian volunteers, as covered in our news article of 24Jul2020

02Feb2019: Шляк у спільне майбутнє – крізь призму історії (in Ukrainian: “A way to a common future – through the prism of history”); about the wartime executions of Jews in Rohatyn, and an interview with Marla about Rohatyn Jewish Heritage

15Sep2018: Михайло Воробець отримав “Ключ від міста” (in Ukrainian: “Mykhailo Vorobets receives a ‘Key to the city'”); long-time Rohatyn Jewish Heritage supporter Mykhailo Vorobets is awarded an honorary key by Lviv’s mayor and Jewish organizations for his decades of effort to aid Jewish heritage and history in Rohatyn


in the Газета Вікна (Gazeta Vikna, “Window”) online edition:

02Oct2020: Як громадянка США рятує єврейську спадщину в Рогатині (in Ukrainian: “How a US Citizen is Saving Jewish Heritage in Rohatyn”); independent translation and local analysis of a 20Jul2020 interview by JewishNews (see below).

13Oct2019: Fragments of Jewish tombstones were excavated from a building foundation in Rohatyn; local reporting of our 16Sep2019 news report

14Oct2018: Tidying Up the 17th-century Kalush Jewish Cemetery; report on the joint clearing project with volunteers from Kalush residents, Kalush city administration, US Peace Corps, Lviv Volunteer Center, and Rohatyn Jewish Heritage

22Jan2018: Mass Graves of Jews Situated on Rohatyn Vodokanal Site; local reporting of our 09Jan2018 news report

27Sep2017: 25 Gravestones from the Jewish Cemetery Excavated During Installation of a Fence; local reporting of our 19Sep2017 news report

02Apr2017: “You are looking at pure evil” – Observance of the 75th Anniversary of the Destruction of the Rohatyn Jewish Community; local reporting of our 21Mar2017 news report

30Sep2016: Former Jewish Synagogue in Rohatyn now a Boarding School; local reporting of our 11Jun2011 news report

30Jul2016: 50 Ancient Jewish Gravestones Found on the Streets of Rohatyn; a local version of our 23Jul2016 news report adapted from Газета Голос Опілля (The Voice of Opillia)

13Jun2016: During the Second World War in Rohatyn, Almost 9000 Jews Were Shot


in the online news portal of JewishNews, a media arm of the United Jewish Community of Ukraine:

09Aug2024: В Україні запустили онлайн-архів єврейських надгробків, переміщених з оригінальних місць (in Ukrainian: “Online archive of Jewish headstones moved from original sites launched in Ukraine”); a detailed overview of the headstone database project Jewish Stones UA, jointly organized by Rohatyn Jewish Heritage and the Sholem Aleichem Jewish Cultural Society of Lviv together with more than a dozen volunteers, and as of this date providing photos and epitaphs for standing and recovered Jewish headstones in Dobromyl, Sokal, and Zbarazh, with documentation for Rohatyn just starting

06Jun2024: У Рогатині відбулася пам’ятна церемонія до 81-ї річниці ліквідації єврейського гетто (in Ukrainian: “A commemorative ceremony was held in Rohatyn to mark the 81st anniversary of the liquidation of the Jewish ghetto”); about a commemoration at the site of the mass killing and burial of Rohatyn’s Jewish community and those of other nearby towns following the 1943 liquidation of the Jewish ghetto in Rohatyn, as covered in our news article of 06Jun2024

20Jul2020: Марла Осборн: Как гражданка США спасает еврейское наследие в Украине (in Russian: “Marla Osborn: How a US citizen saves Jewish heritage in Ukraine”), an extended interview with the CEO of Rohatyn Jewish Heritage, with photos

13Feb2020: Еврейское надгробие было обнаружено в Рогатине (in Russian: “A Jewish Tombstone Discovered in Rohatyn”), from a Facebook post by Marla Raucher Osborn

13Feb2020: Фотограф из США проведет экскурсию по еврейским местам Украины (in Russian: “A Photographer from the USA will Conduct a Tour of Jewish Sites of Ukraine”), from a Facebook post by Marla Raucher Osborn


in Christian Herrmann’s Vanished World blog:

12Apr2017: Between Lviv and Ternopil; a visit to Jewish heritage sites in Rohatyn and other towns of the region

13Mar2013: We owe it to our history to take active responsibility; interview with Marla Raucher Osborn


in the online magazine:

07Mar2020: Sonia Engström, En kamp mot klockan (in Swedish: “A Struggle Against the Clock”), about the Jewish mass grave in the Tyniec forest near Kraków, the race against time to locate and commemorate such places in the region of Galicia, and about the organizations who are working to locate and document these places as local memory fades

08Jun2019: Sonia Engström, …om detta må alla som kan berätta… (in Swedish: “…about this everyone who can should tell…”), on the memorial event marking the 76th anniversary of the liquidation of the Rohatyn Jewish ghetto, and the discovery of additional Jewish headstones in the rubble of a dismantled building in town

13Sep2018: Sonia Engström, Två organisationer som bygger broar mellan folk (in Swedish: “Two organizations building bridges between people“), on a joint visit to Rohatyn by the Swedish-Polish Association in Skåne and Rohatyn Jewish Heritage, organized by LvivResor

22Jun2018: Sonia Engström, Gator som bär sår (in Swedish: “The streets bear their wounds”); see also Part 2 and Part 3 of this series, and the beautiful concluding essay, Part 4; and then, on visiting the recovered gravestones returned to the Yanivske Jewish cemetery in Lviv, a thoughtful Part 5 (to be continued…)

16Jun2018: Sonia Engström, Till minne av likvideringen av Rohatyns getto – 6 juni 1943 (in Swedish: “In memory of the liquidation of Rohatyn’s ghetto – June 6, 1943”)

26Feb2018: Sonia Engström, Om ukrainarnas rätt till deras judiska historia (in Swedish: “On Ukrainians’ Right to Their Jewish History”)

08Jan2018: Sonia Engström, Star Trek från Rohatyn (in Swedish: “Star Trek from Rohatyn”)

23Dec2017: Sonia Engström, Om när halva stan förintas (in Swedish: “When nearly half the town is annihilated”)

31Mar2017: Sonia Engström, Ett arbete som berör – Rohatyn Jewish Heritage (in Swedish: “Work that touches”)


in the Lviv-based online news and culture journal

02Sep2018: Yuliia Lavryshyn, У Львові вручили 75 копій ключа від синагоги людям, які популяризують єврейську спадщину регіону (in Ukrainian: “In Lviv, 75 copies of a synagogue key were awarded to people who have popularized the Jewish heritage of the region”); detailed coverage of the award event commemorating the 75th anniversary of the liquidation of the Lviv ghetto and Janowska camp

05Jun2018: Wito Nadaszkiewicz, В пошуках країни предків (in Ukrainian: “In Search of Ancestor’s Lands”); an interview with Marla Raucher Osborn about her motivations to move to western Ukraine and her experiences here


in the Galicia-focused online news and history journal Zbruč:

30Jun2018: Khrystia Rutar, Повернення єврейської спадщини: медіатори (in Ukrainian: “The Return of Jewish Heritage: The Mediators”); discusses the motivations and actions of Rohatyn Jewish Heritage in Rohatyn and Lviv, in the context of Jewish heritage initiatives in the region


in the Discover section of the website of Ukrainian Jewish Encounter (UJE):

14Jun2021: The Osborns: Rohatyn Jewish Heritage. Interview by Natalia Feduschak, UJE Director of Communications, with Marla and Jay Osborn about the increasing engagement of Ukrainians in Jewish heritage, the narrative about Ukraine outside its borders, and how managing the RJH NGO has changed over time and with the pandemic.

21Sep2020: Marla Osborn: How a US citizen is saving Ukraine’s Jewish heritage. Translation from Russian and reprint of a 20Jul2020 interview by JewishNews (see above). In English and Ukrainian.

30Jan2019: Heritage and memory discussion panel in London. A reprint of our article from 20Dec2018. In English and Ukrainian.

18Jan2018: Second Lviv roundtable on Jewish Heritage is held. A reprint of our article from 15Dec2017. In English and Ukrainian.

28Mar2017: Rohatyn Jewish Heritage Participates in Lviv Roundtable. A reprint of our article from 10Feb2017. In English and Ukrainian.

UJE also carries transcripts of Nash Holos radio broadcasts (see below).


in the Publications and Reports section of the cemeteries surveys website of ESJF European Jewish Cemeteries Initiative:

2021: Samantha Shokin and Michele Migliori: Catalogue of Best Practices for Jewish Cemetery Preservation; a compilation of active cemetery preservation example projects across nine countries in central and eastern Europe, including Ukraine, and featuring Rohatyn Jewish Heritage among the “Voices from the Community” plus the RJH-created Guide to Jewish Cemetery Preservation in Western Ukraine among the Individual/Grassroots Initiatives

2020: Diána Vonnák and Olena Andronatiy: Jewish Cemeteries and Tourism Development – An ESJF Guide; an illustrated primer on the development of Jewish cemeteries in Europe as sites for tourism, and the use of tourism to promote heritage preservation; highlights projects and opportunities in five countries, including Ukraine, and features contributions from tour guides and heritage activists, including Marla Raucher Osborn of Rohatyn Jewish Heritage


on the internet news portal of the Associated Press (AP):

14Sep2018: Vanessa Gera and Dmitry Vlasov, Baptist pastor finds calling in post-Holocaust cemeteries; about The Matzevah Foundation and their joint project with RJH in summer 2018 clearing brush at Rohatyn’s old Jewish cemetery. See also the AP Archive video and storyline from the same interviews, at Rohatyn’s old Jewish cemetery and south mass grave, and at the home of Mykhailo Vorobets (also available on the AP YouTube channel).

02Sep2018: Vanessa Gera, Randy Herschaft, and Yevheniy Kravs, Ukrainian city remembers Jews on Holocaust anniversary; about the award ceremony in Lviv honoring dozens of Jewish heritage activists in western Ukraine; the AP story was also carried by several other news outlets including Israel’s Ynet (in Hebrew)


in Areta Kovalska’s Forgotten Galicia blog:

06Jun2018: Vanished World – Galicia’s Jewish Cemeteries; about Christian Herrmann’s Vanished World blog, and including a gallery of his photography of Jewish heritage in western Ukraine, with mention of organizations (including Rohatyn Jewish Heritage) working in former Galicia to recover a part of that heritage


in the newsletter of the Sholem Aleichem Jewish Cultural Center of Lviv, Shofar:

Jul~Aug2024: Згадали Жертв Голокосту (in Ukrainian: “Victims of the Holocaust Remembered”), page 2; a report on our memorial event at the north mass grave in Rohatyn, commemorating the victims of the Rohatyn ghetto liquidation in 1943, as covered in our news report of 06Jun2024

Mar2020: Iryna Rostik, Віднайдено мацеви (in Ukrainian, “Matzevot Found”), page 5; a report on the Jewish headstone recovery effort behind an abandoned house in Lviv, covered in our 05Feb2020 news report

Aug2019: Denys Bulavin, Янголи в Рогатині (in Ukrainian: “Angels in Rohatyn”), page 2; original story by a volunteer in Rohatyn about the cemetery clearing event in Rohatyn’s old Jewish cemetery covered in our 06Jul2019 news report

Jul2018: Wito Nadaszkiewicz, У пошуках країни предків: з сонячної Каліфорнії до «дощового» Львова (in Ukrainian: “In Search of Ancestors’ Lands: From Sunny California to ‘Rainy’ Lviv”), pages 5~6; an interview with Marla Raucher Osborn about her motivations to move to western Ukraine and her experiences here

Apr2018: Olha Verbiana, Історія вункера «рід ногами» у Гестапо (in Ukrainian: “The Story of a Bunker Under the Feet of the Gestapo”), pages 4~5; original local research and story on the topic of our 21Jun2017 news report


in the news briefs of the Jewish Telegraph Agency (JTA):

28Jun2018: Ruth Ellen Gruber, Volunteers rescue Jewish headstones used to pave street in western Ukraine; coverage of the LVC-led volunteer action to recover matzevot from under vul. Hanny Barvinok in Lviv


in the Новини section of the Ukrainian news website and print newspaper Високий Замок:

12Jul2018: Юлія Ліщенко, «І нацисти, і радянська влада не церемонилися з єврейською історією…» (in Ukrainian: “Both the Nazis and the Soviet authorities did not respect Jewish history …”); background information about the LVC-led volunteer action to recover matzevot from under vul. Hanny Barvinok in Lviv, and on the history of the Yaniv cemetery in Lviv

03Jul2018: Юлія Ліщенко, Врятувати мацеви (in Ukrainian: “Saving Matzevot”); coverage of the LVC-led volunteer action to recover matzevot from under vul. Hanny Barvinok in Lviv


extended threads on Twitter:

06Jun2018: Ian Bateson on his observations and experiences at the commemorative event for the 75th anniversary of the liquidation of the Jewish ghetto in Rohatyn; a journalist’s perspective on the event we covered in our 07Jun2018 news report


in the Tablet Magazine blog, The Scroll:

13Apr2017: Benjamin E. Cohen, American Couple Aims to Preserve Remnants of a Ukrainian Shtetl


in the oDR section of the openDemocracy media platform:

28Mar2018: Mikhail Kaluzhsky, “Activists can move a tombstone, but they cannot restore it”: How photographer Christian Herrmann makes a vanished world visible, part of the oDR series “Practically about Memory” on memory activism in the post-Soviet space


in Gesher Galicia‘s quarterly genealogy research journal, The Galitzianer:

Mar2018: Special Issue on Rohatyn, featuring articles by Rohatyn Jewish descendants Alex Feller, Steven Turner, Norberto Volij, Marla Raucher Osborn, and Andrew Zalewski (the link is a digital version of the full journal issue)

Jun2016: Marla Raucher Osborn, Update on Rohatyn Jewish Heritage, p. 36


on the News page of the Centre of Archaeology, Staffordshire University:

09Jan2018: Caroline Sturdy Colls, Rohatyn Survey Results Released, announcing the publication of their final report on 2017’s non-invasive archaeological survey, as linked and summarized on our website

05Jun2017: Caroline Sturdy Colls, Survey Completed in Rohatyn, covering the 9-day non-invasive archaeological survey described in our 05Jun2017 news report


on Nash Holos Ukrainian Roots Radio, an internationally syndicated radio show in BC Canada:

12Sep2018: Pawlina Demchuk MacQuarrie, Memoir by Holocaust Survivor Jack Glotzer (transcript and podcast), including mention of Rohatyn Jewish Heritage and local historian Mykhailo Vorobets, and featuring Jack’s wartime memoir from our website

18Jan2018: Pawlina Demchuk MacQuarrie, interview with Marla Raucher Osborn, part 1 (transcript and podcast)(see also the transcript in Ukrainian language on the website of Ukrainian Jewish Encounter)
18Jan2018: Pawlina Demchuk MacQuarrie, interview with Marla Raucher Osborn, part 2 (transcript and podcast)(see also the transcript in Ukrainian language on the website of Ukrainian Jewish Encounter)

19May2014: Renata Hanynets, Ukrainian Jewish Heritage – Rohatyn


…and in a variety of other media around the world:

in the news section of Ukrainska Pravda: 26Mar2024: Photos of Jewish cemetery in Prykarpattia taken by Ukrainian Armed Forces soldier win Wikipedia contest; coverage of the 2023 edition of the annual “Wiki Loves Monuments” photo competition with a focus on Jewish heritage in Ukraine; coverage includes mention of and a quote by competition jury members Marla Raucher Osborn and Jay Osborn of Rohatyn Jewish Heritage; see the full competition page for more information

on the website of the Kyiv Post: 12Oct2023: Pete Shmigel, Ukrainians and Jews United in Their Parallel Pain and Noble Purpose; an opinion essay highlighting solidarity between Ukrainians and Jews in the context of the Hamas attacks in Israel the prior weekend, and featuring Rohatyn Jewish Heritage as an example of stories of “triumphant tenderness”

on the Facebook page of Нео Радіо Червоноград: 01Sep2023: A project to organize and relocate Jewish tombstones has been launched in Sokal; coverage of the project organized by local activist Oksana Savchuk and the Lviv Volunteer Center (LVC) with support of local city officials, Rohatyn Jewish Heritage, and other regional volunteers, to recover dozens of Jewish headstones from one of Sokal’s Christian cemeteries and transport them to the city’s large synagogue ruin for a future memorial monument

in the online Ukrainian version of Deutsche Welle: 22Nov2022: Maryna Baranovska, Mosaic of Jewish life in Ukraine – at an exhibition in Germany, about a photo exhibition at the Jewish Museum in Augsburg which features interviews and personal stories of Jews in Ukraine in the context of the 2022 invasion of Ukraine by Russia; Rohatyn Jewish Heritage is included in a photo and a video interview along with colleagues and friends from Lviv and elsewhere in Ukraine

in a special report by the Kantor Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry at Tel Aviv University (TAU) in Israel: 27Jan2022: For a Righteous Cause: Positive Trends in Fighting Antisemitism and Radicalization, which discusses positive trends in the fight against antisemitism and radicalization, with a focus on overtures toward Jewry in Eastern Europe and the Arab World, along with legal and civic measures taken by governments, NGOs and more; Rohatyn Jewish Heritage is included as a promoter of non-Jewish people and institutions in Ukraine who care for Jewish heritage, and through a parallel project, A Guide to Jewish Heritage Preservation in Western Ukraine. See also a brief summary of the report in the news section of the TAU website, and a related article by Sveta Raskin in the TAU Review, TAU Releases Report on Positive Trends in the War on Antisemitism; this latter article features a photo by RJH of the community-led clearing and maintenance work at the Jewish cemetery in Kalush.

in the Ukrainian media group Suspilne‘s Ivano-Frankivsk news portal: 06Jun2024: До 81 річниці ліквідації єврейського гетто у Рогатині на Франківщині вшанували пам’ять жертв Голокосту (in Ukrainian: “On the 81st anniversary of the liquidation of the Jewish ghetto in Rohatyn in the Ivano-Frankivsk region, the memory of the victims of the Holocaust was commemorated”); about a commemoration at the site of the mass killing and burial of Rohatyn’s Jewish community and those of other nearby towns following the 1943 liquidation of the Jewish ghetto in Rohatyn, as covered in our news article of 06Jun2024

in the Ukrainian media group Suspilne‘s Karpaty news portal: 04Dec2021: Iryna Karazub, Як американське подружжя Осборн відновлює єврейські цвинтарі на Прикарпатті (in Ukrainian: “How the Osborns, an American couple, are restoring Jewish cemeteries in Prykarpattia”), about the Rohatyn Jewish cemeteries and why and how the RJH team and volunteers working in them (with images and two videos)

in the online regional news portal 14Aug2021: Ihor Prokopchuk, У Рогатині майже два десятки фрагментів надгробків повернули на старе єврейське кладовище (in Ukrainian: “In Rohatyn, almost two dozen fragments of tombstones were returned to the old Jewish cemetery”), about the recovery of more Jewish headstone fragments on vul. Drahomanova in Rohatyn, originally posted on the RJH Facebook page and described in a 13Aug2021 news article on the RJH website

in a publication of ESJF European Jewish Cemeteries Initiative: 2020: Diána Vonnák and Olena Andronatiy: Jewish Cemeteries and Tourism Development – An ESJF Guide; an illustrated primer on the development of Jewish cemeteries in Europe as sites for tourism, and the use of tourism to promote heritage preservation; highlights projects and opportunities in five countries, including Ukraine, and features contributions from tour guides and heritage activists, including Marla Raucher Osborn of Rohatyn Jewish Heritage

in B’nai B’rith Magazine: Winter 2020: Linda Topping Streitfeld, Unfinished Business: Restoring Eastern Europe’s Desecrated Jewish Cemeteries; a feature story on Jewish cemetery and mass grave preservation efforts in Poland and Ukraine, including the 2017 and 2019 mass grave GPR survey projects in Rohatyn

in Jüdische Allgemeine: 03Sep2020: Gerhard Haase-Hindenberg, Die Würde zurückgeben – Ein Projekt in der Ukraine dient als Vorbild für eine Initiative Berliner Juden, Verlorenes sichtbar zu machen (in German: “Giving back dignity – A project in Ukraine serves as a model for an initiative from Berlin Jews to make lost things visible”); coverage of a cleaning event in Berlin at the memorial sculpture “Die Frauen von der Rosenstrasse” at the site of the lost Old Synagogue, with mention of the volunteers’ prior work on Jewish heritage projects with Rohatyn Jewish Heritage and the Lviv Volunteer Center

in the 5th International Trans.History Youth Competition: 13Mar2020: Yaryna Vasylyk, Jewish Heritage of My Region (Єврейська спадщина мого регіону), a YouTube video presentation of her research and participation in Jewish heritage volunteer work in the Ivano-Frankivsk oblast of western Ukraine. The video significantly features material from the website of Rohatyn Jewish Heritage, and an extended interview with Rabbi Moshe Leib Kolesnyk. In Ukrainian with English subtitles.

on the Facebook page of the US Embassy Kyiv Ukraine: 13Feb2020: a post about Rohatyn Jewish Heritage and the Lviv Volunteer Center regarding the recovery of Jewish headstones from a retaining wall in Lviv, and their return to the new Jewish cemetery in the city, which was described in a 05Feb2020 news article on the RJH website

on the Marseille-based French webradio station Radio JM: 13Dec2019: reportage by historian and linguist Emmanuel Attyasse for “Patrimoine et culture du Judaïsme” on recent Jewish cemetery vandalism in Alsace, and on the mostly anonymous people who work daily to protect Jewish cemeteries in Europe against hate and against natural decay, for the safeguarding of memory and in respect for the dead. Mentioned in the broadcast are photographer and blogger Christian Herrmann, Rohatyn Jewish Heritage, and Irina Shikhova of Jewish Heritage Moldova

in the monthly journal Memoria of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum: Sep2018: Brush Clearing at Rohatyn’s Old Jewish Cemetery; on the summer 2018 volunteer week working with The Matzevah Foundation, Peace Corps Volunteers, and regional Ukrainian volunteers, as reported here

on France 2 Television, in the documentary series Envoyé Spécial: 04Jul2013: Renaud Laverne, Les Arpenteurs – Le tourisme de la mémoire

in the podcast Unbordered by Andrew Evans: 30Jun2019: Series 2, Episode 1, “Unfinished”; continuing Evans’ research into the personal history of his grandfather, a Holocaust survivor born in Lemberg (Lviv); includes an interview with Rohatyn Jewish Heritage CEO Marla Raucher Osborn beginning at the 12-minute mark, on RJH projects in western Ukraine. Also available on Apple Podcasts.

on Ukrainian news television: 24May2011: Interview with Alex Feller and Marla Raucher Osborn

on the web news page of KalushFM radio station: 22Oct2018: До Калуша приїхали 8 американців, швейцарка та німкеня, щоб прибрати єврейський цвинтар (in Ukrainian: “Eight Americans, a Swiss, and a German came to Kalush to clean the Jewish cemetery”); text and videos covering the joint project led by Peace Corps Volunteer Patty Deignan with other PCVs, the Lviv Volunteer Center, Rohatyn Jewish Heritage, the Kalush City office, and several dozen local citizens

in the Los Angeles Review of Books online magazine: 03Jan2018: Linda Kinstler, To Petrify Time: On Grigory Kanovich’s “Shtetl Love Song” and Sergey Kanovich’s Lost Shtetl Project

in The Times of Israel online edition: 29Oct2013: Steve Turner, Shtetls: We Can’t Forget You. Please Remember Us.

on the history blog site of Andrew Simpson: 31Dec2018: The Story and the Truth Lie in the Detail… Rohatyn Jewish Heritage.

in the Success! Stories testimonials feature of the JewishGen website: Mar2012: Marla Raucher Osborn, Traces: What Remains of a Life

on the Virtual Shtetl portal: 28Jan2014: Lists of Matzevos from Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski and Rohatyn Now Available Online