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Rohatyn District Population in 1710.
Biblioteka Książąt Czartoryskich image
acquired by Dr. Alex Feller.
An early summary of the population of the Rohatyn administrative district (including Czercze, Potok, Podgrodzie, Ruda, Kleszczówna, Wierzbiełowice, and Załuże) is detailed in the Population Summary in the Estates of the Rohatyn District in the Halicz Land of His Grace Kasztelan of Kraców, the Crown’s Great Hetman (Comput Pogłownego w Dobrach do Starostwa Rohatynskiego nalezacych w Ziemi Halickiej J. O. Jsmci Pana Kasztelana Krakowskiego Hetmana Wielkiego Koronny), dated the 7th of December 1710. The great hetman to which the title refers was Count Adam Mikołaj Sieniawski, the owner and starost of the Rohatyn district.
Although individuals are not named, the population is divided into occupations for purposes of taxation; in the list below, the occupations are translated directly from the original record. It is likely that this count does not include children. The count for Rohatyn is divided into the town itself, plus the neighboring hamlet of Babince and the estate of Podwinie (which belonged to the parish).
Occupation |
Rohatyn |
Babince |
Podwinie |
Village Elder |
1 |
Village Elder’s Wife |
1 |
Christian Burghers (men) |
225 |
Christian Burghers (women) |
253 |
Peasant householders (men) |
74 |
15 |
Peasant householders (women) |
92 |
15 |
Jewish leaseholders (men) |
3 |
Jewish leaseholders (women) |
4 |
Jewish Burghers (men) |
103 |
Jewish Burghers (women) |
108 |
Apprentices |
20 |
Farm hands |
52 |
26 |
3 |
Cooks/Inn keepers (women) |
65/18 |
3/0 |
Orthodox priests/and their wives |
2/2 |
3/3 |
Millers/and their wives |
4/4 |
Vineyard workers/and their wives |
12/12 |
Jewish cooks (women) |
2 |
Jewish tenant farmers (men/women) |
25/27 |
Polish tenant farmers (men/women) |
26/31 |
3/4 |
The total population of Rohatyn (with Babince and the Podwinie estate) was 1,243. For the town of Rohatyn only, the total population was 1,000, including 272 Jews (27%).
Within the district of Rohatyn, several of the villages had resident Jewish leaseholders and burghers: Czercze, Podgrodzie, Ruda, Kleszczówna, and Wierzbiełowice. The total district population was 1,730, including 282 Jews (16.3%).
Biblioteka Książąt Czartoryskich archive documents acquired by Dr. Alex Feller for the Rohatyn District Research Group (RDRG). Translation by Dr. Andrew Zalewski.