Ця сторінка також доступна українською.
(See also the article on this website about a related Soviet report fragment on victims of German killing and depredation in the city of Rohatyn plus two nearby villages.)
From the beginning of World War II in September 1939, under a secret agreement with Nazi Germany, Soviet military and administrative units overran and occupied southeastern Poland, enlarging the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic to incorporate Lviv, Rohatyn, and the rest of former eastern Galicia under Communist rule. After almost two years of Soviet control, in late June 1941Germany broke the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact and invaded Soviet-held lands, pushing the Red Army eastward. Rohatyn was occupied by German forces almost immediately, and by early July the crimes which characterized the Holocaust in Rohatyn had begun [1].

Members of the Soviet Extraordinary State Commission at an exhumation site near Vinnytsia in west-central Ukraine, in an undated photo. Source: Yad Vashem.
By October 1941, Germany had pushed Soviet forces out of most of Ukraine and were bearing down on western Russia, including Sevastopol and Leningrad (today Saint Petersburg). In November, to evaluate reports of German abuses on the territory of the USSR (which by Soviet claims included the temporarily occupied area around Rohatyn), the Supreme Soviet established an “Extraordinary State Commission” (Чрезвычайная Государственная Комиссия, ЧГК or ChGK) [2] [3] [4] to investigate specific crimes committed by the “German fascist invaders and their accomplices” against people, institutions, and the productivity and economic viability of settlements. The investigative work proceeded through many types of inspection and physical research, including exhumation of graves in some places, plus millions of interrogations/interviews. Summary documentation produced by the Commission led to civil and military trials in recovered Soviet territories from 1943, and formed a significant part of the evidence presented by the USSR at the Nuremburg trials of major war criminals shortly after the war ended in 1945 [5].
Commission investigators and administrators followed the Soviet army as their counteroffensives pushed German forces into retreat following failures in 1943 and 1944; en route the Commission established regional detective organizations and local operational units, and also engaged Soviet security services such as the NKVD [19]. By July 1944, after three years of occupation and the complete destruction of Rohatyn’s Jewish community, Germany ceded control of Rohatyn and the region as the Red Army approached from the east. By December 1944 the Commission was in the city of Rohatyn conducting interviews with several Jewish survivors and Ukrainian witnesses, and with more than a dozen heads of village councils in the Rohatyn district. A key focus of the interrogations aimed to identify the perpetrators of crimes, apparently for further investigation and possible arrests and trials. The commissioners and their teams working in the Rohatyn district completed their report in February of 1945. The detailed original report was not available outside of Soviet archives until after the fall of the Soviet Union, when the file was transferred to the State Archive of the Russian Federation (GARF) in Moscow and regional archives of the successor states. Archives at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) and at Yad Vashem acquired copies in the 1990s.
Historians have noted a number of issues with the Commission investigations and reports [6], ranging from minor clerical errors to misdirection and/or falsification of some conclusions in order to mask significant Soviet wartime crimes [7] [8] [9]. Reading the report for the Rohatyn district included here highlights the focus of the interrogators to identify German criminals and local people who aided them or who independently committed crimes against people or property – but also the interest of some interrogators to separately identify Ukrainian nationalists who might resist Soviet rule in the newly-expanded Ukrainian SSR. Interrogators uniformly inquire about atrocities committed against “civilians” and “residents”; most of the witnesses in the city of Rohatyn spoke specifically about mass killing actions against Jews, the Jewish people, and “citizens of Jewish nationality”, even when their caution in speaking before police and military officials of the new occupying force is palpable. Many pages of the Rohatyn district report are handwritten and difficult to decipher and transcribe; even the typewritten pages include typographical errors, inconsistent and frequently incorrect spellings of names of people and places, as well as unchecked errors in recorded years and other factual details. The low fluency in the Russian language in rural parts of western Ukraine during the period also likely contributed to confusion during the interrogation and recording process across the district.
Because of these and other issues, we urge caution in taking any of the names, dates, events, and actions described by witnesses and officials in the report as factual and accurate. The interrogators and administrators of this investigation did not attempt to verify any of the testimonies, and we cannot. In particular, to our knowledge none of the accused perpetrators of the crimes described in the report ever stood trial to have those accusations tested in any court.
The Rohatyn District Report
The report transcribed and translated here is GARF record R-7021-73-13, from slightly different copies at the USHMM (from GARF) [10] and Yad Vashem (from DAIFO in Ivano-Frankivsk) [11]. The full report includes about 60 pages of Russian-language text and tables plus more than a dozen unnumbered reverse-side pages. Many of the paper sheets used to record interrogations and other data were the blank sides of prewar local government and business documents. The report includes:
Local people near the corpses of relatives shot by Germans, somewhere in Ukraine. Source: Yad Vashem.
official certification of the report
- a tabulated summary of the number of civilians shot to death or enslaved (deported to forced labor in Germany), for the city of Rohatyn and 16 district villages
- a text summary of the four major actions (round-up and killing events) conducted in Rohatyn, with the names of some of the Germans and their accomplices who led the actions
- a text summary of the duties (required supplies of food, e.g. animals and bread) imposed on villages in the Rohatyn district, plus the arrest and deportation to forced labor in Germany of individual villagers, mostly youth
- an incomplete list of Germans and local people in the Rohatyn district who committed atrocities (killings and other abuses) or thefts in Rohatyn and its district
- minutes (protocols) of interrogations of 7 witnesses to the killing actions in Rohatyn (one witness was interrogated twice)
- minutes of interrogations of 7 village council heads about the abuses and enslavement in their villages
- a list of individuals arrested and deported to slavery in Germany from villages in the Rohatyn district (the list is included twice, once in Ukrainian language and once in Russian language)
- a list of individuals shot in villages in the Rohatyn district

Ukrainian women waiting in a camp before being sent to forced labor in Germany, and being photographed for registration before transit. Source: Yad Vashem and Yad Vashem.
As seen in the summary table near the beginning of the report, the vast majority of people shot to death in the Rohatyn district during the German occupation died in the city of Rohatyn, and from witness testimonies those dead were nearly all Jews [20], but this report GARF R-7021-73-13 does not list them. A separate report, now archived as GARF R-7021-73-65 [12], includes a very incomplete list of the Jewish and Ukrainian victims of shootings in Rohatyn (separate lists are given for Rohatyn city and the incorporated village of Babintsi), plus a list of victims in the village of Ruda about 6km north of Rohatyn’s center, but with no associated witness testimony or summaries of any kind. It is unclear why the two reports were filed and archived separately, but it seems likely that the incompleteness of this latter list was due to the huge number of victims and the scarcity of witnesses and survivors who knew them. The Rohatyn District Research Group (a Jewish family history discussion group and website) has published a translated tabulation of the Rohatyn city victim list with complete scan images of this brief separate report [13]; see also the re-translation and interpretation of that report fragment by Rohatyn Jewish Heritage.
Although some Commission investigations of crimes during the German occupation included forensic studies including excavations and exhumations of killing sites and mass graves, sometimes documented with maps and other geographical data, apparently no such studies were conducted in Rohatyn or its district for any of the mass killings of Jews or Ukrainians described by witnesses. Similarly, the report includes no mention of attempts to confirm or deny any statements of the individual witness testimonies, or to reconcile discrepancies between them. A small number of known factual errors remain in the testimonies, based on later research in Rohatyn.
Related Testimonies, Memoirs, and Other Historical Information
Although much of the material in the Commission report for the Rohatyn district is not known in any other source (especially for the wide-ranging abuses by the Germans in villages of the district), many of the details of the deportation and killing actions in the city of Rohatyn have been documented in personal histories, memoirs, and oral testimonies of witnesses and especially of Jewish survivors of the ghetto in Rohatyn; hundreds of pages of recollections and dozens of videos have been recorded [14]. However, the Jewish and Ukrainian witness interrogations included in the Commission report are particularly valuable for study of the Holocaust in Rohatyn because they were conducted only half a year after the German retreat out of the city, while recollections were still raw and before the history could become story. The interrogations were conducted by military detectives, and witnesses were sworn against false testimony under threat of punishment.
Where a witness interrogated for the Commission report also wrote a later history for the Rohatyn Yizkor Book (1962) [15] (and the edited and expanded version published as Remembering Rohatyn (2015 and 2019) [16]) or for a personal memoir, those later texts are listed and linked below at the top of the witness record. Many of the Jewish survivors and Ukrainian witnesses in Rohatyn were not interrogated by the Commission, so their experiences were not published until later – often decades later.
Researching the Report
Initial research for Rohatyn Jewish Heritage (RJH) to identify and copy the relevant film images of the Commission report for the Rohatyn district was done by Dr. Amber Nickell [17] at the USHMM in 2019; Dr. Nickell also advised us on other research avenues in the USHMM catalog and in regional archives in Ukraine. A second set of images from the Yad Vashem document collections was provided to us by staff members of Yahad – In Unum [17], a genocide investigation and education NGO based in France. The two source image sets differed in completeness and quality; one image set was filmed with the report bound, the other unbound (as loose paper report sheets). The better images between the two sets were then digitally adjusted for legibility by Jay Osborn.
RJH team member Vasyl Yuzyshyn transcribed the Russian and Ukrainian texts, both typewritten and handwritten, to digital documents. Jay and Vasyl together made English translations of the report pages, and Vasyl made Ukrainian translations of the pages for the parallel article. Marla Raucher Osborn edited the final draft of this article [21].
Apart from the table header at the top of this page, no original scan images or excerpts are shown here, as RJH did not request publication permission from GARF. However, our page-by-page Russian transcripts are linked to the relevant translated sections in English below.
All original text and tables are in Russian language except where noted otherwise. Signatures on the original pages are indicated here in {curly brackets}. Text and numbers which are illegible in the original images are indicated by <***>. Added annotations (not in the original report) at the beginning of some sections to explain our inserted symbols and to provide context from other sources are indicated in italics. Where personal names and place names are known to us in Ukrainian language, transliteration is made here by us using the official Ukrainian system for romanization of characters, from the 2010 Resolution no. 55 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine; some names may appear strange to readers familiar with older systems.
See the Sources section at the bottom of this page for footnotes and general references to the introductory sections above.
Cover and Title
Materials of the Investigations of the Districts
1. Rohatyn
2. Obertyn
3. Kolomyia
Stanislaviv oblast
State Archive of the Russian Federation [GARF]:
Fond number R-7021
Inventory number 73
File number 13
Investigation of atrocities by the German fascists and their accomplices in the Rohatyn district of Stanislaviv oblast
of certificates of established atrocities committed against the citizens of the USSR
by the German Nazi criminals in the Rohatyn district
No NAME of the village councils that have drawn up acts Certificates Pages 1 Rohatyn 1 2 2 Rohatyn 2 2
Chairman of the District Commission {Signature}
[Stamp (in Ukranian): Executive Committee of the Stanislaviv Oblast Rada – Workers’ Deputies].
Table: Number of Atrocities Committed, by City and Village
Note: The village listed as Holodivka in this summary table in the original report has since changed name to Lukovyshche. The village listed as Dobryniv was mis-written in the original summary table but is correctly written in the full testimony in the body of the report, below.
General information about the atrocities committed against the citizens of the USSR by the German fascist criminals and their accomplices. For the Rohatyn district of Stanislaviv region.
No. | Name of City or Village | # Shot | # Hung | # Torture Death | # Bomb Death | Total Civilian Deaths | Total POW Deaths | Total Arrested, Beaten, Abused | # Forced to Slavery, from Testimony | # Forced to Slavery, from Records | |
1 | Rohatyn City | 9800 | – | – | – | 9800 | – | – | – | – | |
2 | Melna | 11 | – | – | – | 11 | – | – | 80 | 53 | |
3 | Vyspa | 10 | – | – | – | 10 | – | – | – | 19 | |
4 | Dychky | 5 | – | – | – | 5 | – | – | – | 43 | |
5 | Liubsha | 4 | – | – | – | 4 | – | – | 53 | 53 | |
6 | Zalaniv | 3 | – | – | – | 3 | – | – | – | 92 | |
7 | Yahlush | 2 | – | – | – | 2 | – | – | – | 37 | |
8 | Perenivka | 2 | – | – | – | 2 | – | – | – | 7 | |
9 | Potik | 9 | – | – | – | 9 | – | – | 160 | – | |
10 | Dolyniany | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | 65 | |
11 | Pidbiria | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | 30 | |
12 | Dehova | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | 33 | |
13 | Zhovchiv | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | 131 | 131 | |
14 | Holodivka* | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | 13 | |
15 | Dobryniv* | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | 87 | |
16 | Fraha | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | 40 | |
17 | Stratyn | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | 107 | |
TOTALS | 9846 | – | – | – | 9846 | – | – | 424 | 830 |
Responsible Secretary of the Regional Commission {Glushchenko}
Declaration No. 1
February 17, 1945. We are the members of the commission, consisting of: the Chairman of the Commission, Andrei Avksentievich; Deputy Commissioner and Secretary of the District Committee of the KPBU, Reshetilov Roman Matveyevich; Chairman of the District Executive Committee, Krasnikov Andrei Grigorievich; District Prosecutor and Head of the NKVD, Smirnov Andrian Aleksandrovich; Secretary of the Commission and head of the Department of Education of the Rohatyn district, Gvosdik Semyon Savvich.
We drew up a register of atrocities of the German fascist invaders and their accomplices in the city of Rohatyn.
On the basis of the testimonies and protocols which are attached to the register, the fascist invaders and their accomplices made four acts of murder of the local population in Rohatyn.
The first action was carried out on March 20, 1942. The Germans organized a Jewish pogrom on March 20, 1942 together with the traitors working in their institutions – Ukrainians. On that day, around 3000 Jewish people were removed from the ghetto and taken to the square where under Soviet rule the monument to Lenin was erected. They were held with their heads down from 8 am to 2 pm in minus 4~5°C frost and then taken by trucks to the prepared pit near the railway station, where they were all shot, and small children were thrown alive into the pit. At this first time about 3000 people were shot and buried. (Witness testimony of Khader Rina Abramovna.)
The second action was carried out on September 21 and 22, 1942. This time the Germans took 1000 people from the ghetto; 300 people were killed near the hospital, 700 were sent by train to Bełżec, where they were electrocuted.
The third action took place on December 8, 1942, when 1400 people were led to the train, stripped naked and taken away again to Bełżec. On the same day, 500 people were shot in the ghetto and buried near the hospital.
The fourth action was carried out on June 6, 1943, the so-called liquidation action. According to the testimony of Tsilia Blekh, about 6000 people were shot at that time.
During the four actions about 12 thousand residents were taken and killed. While compiling this register, lists of the dead were given which were far from exact, because the population was taken from the whole district and from other districts of Burshtyn and Bukachivtsi, who were not known by their name, only by their characteristics.
Active participants in the actions mentioned were:
1. Miller – German commandant for the Stanislaviv region
2. District commissars – Kokhel, Pirl, Eser
The accomplices were: the wife of the lawyer Stryiski, Markovsky, Pylat Stepan, Rzeszkowiak, Styceniuk, Stryiski (lawyer), Onufryk Piotr (doctor), Cetinekaya, Lohuteva, Budzinski (commandant of the action), Konopada (deputy commandant).
After the actions, all above left with the Germans.
Ilkiv Ivan lives on Zavoda Street and previously work in a bakery, currently working in a flour mill in the city of Rohatyn.
This is what the present register is made about.
Signatures of the members of the commission:
1. Chairman of the Commission {Signature}
2. Members of the Commission {Signature}
3. Secretary of the Commission {Signature}
Executive Committee of the Rohatyn District Council of Workers’ Deputies.
Chairman of the Executive Committee {signature}
Secretary of the Executive Committee {signature}
February 18, 1945.
The act is registered in the deed book under the number 419 of February 18, 1945. Secretary of the Executive Committee.
[Stamp (in Ukranian): Executive Committee of the Stanislaviv Oblast Rada – Workers’ Deputies]. {signature}Declaration No. 2
February 17, 1945, we the undersigned members of the Commission: Kozuberda Andrei Avksentievich, Secretary of the District Party Committee; Deputy Chairman of the Commission and Chairman of the Executive Committee, Reshetilo Roman Matveyevich; members Krasnikov Andrei Grigorievich, prosecutor of the Rohatyn District; Smirnov Andrian Alexandrovich, Head of the NKVD; Commission Secretary Gvozdik Semyon Savvich, Head of the Rohatyn District Department of Public Education; compiled this certificate on the basis of testimony.
The materials and protocols demonstrate that the German fascist invaders began at first to impose heavy and unbearable taxes on the population, taking away bread, working cattle, horses, bulls, and cows. For not complying with the taxes and not going to work offered by German invaders, they began to take the population into slavery.
Testimonies of witnesses confirm that mostly young people were taken into German slavery. According to the information at the disposal of investigative authorities, 886 people were taken to Germany and 29 were killed.
The District Commissars Kokhel, Eser and Pirl, with the help of the Gestapo and their accomplices, were engaged in German slavery.
The materials of the inquiry are attached. This is what the present act is about. Signed by the members of the commission.
Chairman of the commission {Signature}
Commission members {Signature}
Secretary of the Commission {Signature}
The Executive Committee of the Rohatyn District Council of Workers’ Deputies is administering this act.
Chairman of the Executive Committee {Signature}
Secretary of the Executive Committee {Signature}
February 17, 1945
This act is registered in the book of deeds as No. 420 on February 18, 1945.
Secretary of the Executive Committee {Signature}
[Stamp (in Ukrainian): Executive Committee of the Stanislaviv Oblast Rada – Workers’ Deputies].List: German Fascist Occupiers and Their Accomplices Who Committed Atrocities in the Rohatyn District
Note: The term Totor marked with a question mark (?) in the table below is transliterated from the original Russian тотор but is not meaningfully translated to English or Ukrainian; the term is not used elsewhere in the report. The term Posadnyk and marked with an asterisk (*) is transliterated from the original Russian посадник; the word exists as a historical term in East Slavic lands but carries a somewhat different meaning in this context. We are informed by Anatolii Podolskyi, director of the Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies, that during the German occupation of Distrikt Galizien and other western Ukrainian territories, the term “Posadnyk” was used to designate one or more heads of local city administrations, installed and controlled by the Germans, with power and responsibility to persecute Jews and others, destroy the ghetto, etc., and report to the occupiers. Examples of wartime records with the term “Posadnyk” used for this type of official include at Lviv and Lutsk.
Note also that this table is incomplete both in the cells shown here and because it omits many of the names given in the witness interrogations below.
Of the German fascist occupiers and their accomplices who committed atrocities, robberies, and destruction In the temporarily occupied territory of the USSR: Rohatyn District.
No. | Surname, Name & Patronymic | Nationality | Military Rank & Position | Name of Military Unit or Organization | Characteristics of Crimes | Role in the Crimes | Number and Date | By Whom the Record was Recorded | |
1 | Kokhel, T. | German | District Commissioner | Shooting of Civilians | Lead | ||||
2 | Tyt | Chief of Gendarmes | Leader of Shooting | ||||||
3 | Luhush | Ukrainian | Gendarme | Posadnyk* | Posadnyk* | ||||
4 | Pylat, Stepan | Ukrainian | Totor? | Posadnyk* | Posadnyk* | ||||
5 | Markovsky | Ukrainian | Totor? | Posadnyk* | Posadnyk* | ||||
6 | Budinsky | Ukrainian | Totor? | Posadnyk* | Posadnyk* | ||||
7 | Konopada | Ukrainian | Totor? | Leader of Action |
Interrogation of the Witness: Rina Abramovna Khader
Note: The witness named here as Rina Abramovna Khader later wrote about her experiences for the Rohatyn Yizkor Book (“From Hiding Place to Hiding Place”; see p.250~276), also included in Remembering Rohatyn (see p.320~335). In those texts she is called Rivka Hader and by her later married name, Regina Hader Rock.
Interrogation of the witness Khader Rina Abramovna. Born in 1920 in the village of Pidkamin, Rohatyn district. Resident of the city of Rohatyn.
Liability for false testimony under Article 89 of the Criminal Code of the Ukrainian SSR. The witness was warned. {Rina Khader}
Question: During the German occupation of Rohatyn, where did you live?
Answer: From 1941 until July, 1943 I lived in Rohatyn, and later when the German occupation was over I again lived in the city of Rohatyn. I lived in Rohatyn, but then when I was in the city it became impossible for me as a Jewess to hide from the German monsters. I fled from Rohatyn to the village of Pidkamin, where I hid for 14 months.
Question: What do you know about the atrocities committed by the Germans and their accomplices against the civilians of the Rohatyn district?
Answer: I know that the entire Jewish population of the Rohatyn district was grouped together into the …
{Rina Khader}
… so-called Ghetto. At the beginning of 1942, the Jews of Burshtyn, Bukachivtsi and Bilshivtsi were included. All in all, up to 10,000 Jews were rounded up.
On March 20, 1942, the Germans together with the traitors who worked in their institutions – the Ukrainians – carried out a Jewish pogrom.
On that day, they took about 3,000 Jews from the Ghetto to the square where under the Soviet regime the monument to Lenin was placed, and from 8 am to 2 pm, when it was 4~5 degrees below zero, they held them with their heads down, and then took them in trucks to the pits prepared beforehand near the railway station, where they shot them all and threw the little children into the pit alive. At this time, 3000 Jewish people were shot and buried alive.
{Rina Khader}
In September 1942 the Germans carried out the second action. On that day they took 1,800 Jews from the Ghetto and took them to the camp in Bełżec, where they burned them by means of an electric furnace.
In December 1942, the third action against Jews was carried out. This time, with the help of Ukrainians, they took up to 2000 Jews and took them by train to the camp in Bełżec and there they were exterminated.
In July 1943, the so-called liquidation action was carried out, where the remaining Jews were exterminated. And this time they shot about 3,000 of the Jewish people. And they buried them near the district hospital, towards the village of Potik.
In addition, there were so-called local actions where Germans went door to door and killed sick and elderly Jews.
{Rina Khader}
So for the entire period of the German occupation about 10,000 Jewish people were killed, including the Jews of Burshtyn, Bukachivtsi and Bilshivtsi. I cannot say exactly how many were killed in the Rohatyn district separately. But about half of the Jews were from Rohatyn.
Question: Can you tell us who you know of the participants in the brutal shooting of civilians in the Rohatyn district?
Answer: Of the participants in the brutal extermination of the peaceful population of the Rohatyn district, I know the following persons:
1. Muryn (?), his first name and patronymic I do not know, an employee of the Ukrainian Committee, a commandant of the city of Rohatyn; he escaped with the Germans.
2. Melnyk – a doctor. He worked in the Ukrainian Committee in the military department, and he was arrested by the NKVD.
{Rina Khader}
3. Stryisky – a lawyer, worked in the Council; he escaped with the Germans.
4. Stryiska – the lawyer’s wife, worked as a deputy of District Commissioner.
5. Herman – Chief of the Gestapo of Ternopil
6. Miller – from the Gestapo of Ternopil
I do not know anyone else.
Written down from my words correctly, read to me. I signed my name on it. {Rina Khader}
Interrogator: Chief of the <***> NKVD. {Signature}
Interrogation of the Witness: Onufry Ivanovych Brodoviy (First Testimony)
Note: This is one of two testimonies made by Onufry Ivanovych Brodoviy (the second is below); there is no explanation in the report why he was interrogated twice. Onufry Brodoviy was the father of Ivan Brodoviy, who met in Rohatyn in 2017 with the daughter of a Jewish survivor of the Rohatyn ghetto; Ivan’s uncle Panteleimon (Panko) Brodoviy had helped this survivor and others to survive in the basement of a German administration building on the main street in Rohatyn during the occupation. This episode of the war was also remembered by Yehoshua P. Spiegel in the Rohatyn Yizkor Book (“The Story of a Bunker”; see p.321), and included in Remembering Rohatyn (see p.338~339).
Interrogation of the witness Brodoviy Onufry Ivanovych, born in 1896. Born in the village of Babukhiv, Burshtyn district. Worked as a heater operator for the District Executive Committee of Rohatyn District.
The witness was warned about the responsibility for giving false testimony under Article 89 of the Criminal Code of the Ukrainian SSR. {Brodoviy}
Question: Tell us – what do you know about the atrocities committed by the Germans against the peaceful population of the Rohatyn district?
Answer: I know that in April or May of 1944 Germans caught 22 Ukrainians – supporters of the Soviet power, brought them on Tserkovna Street, there they all were shot and buried on the Jewish cemetery.
Question: Can you name the Ukrainians shot by the Germans?
Answer: I cannot name the executed by name, as I do not know any of them, but I briefly saw the executed when the brutal murder had already been carried out on them, i.e. the shooting.
Question: Who was involved in the brutal shootings and murders of innocent Soviet citizens?
Answer: The most important person in the brutal murder of Soviet citizens is Miller, the German commandant of the Gestapo of the Stanislaviv region.
The commissar of the city of Rohatyn: Kokhel, Pirl, Eser.
Stryiska – wife of the lawyer Stryisky (left for Germany).
Markovsky – employee of the District Works Department. (left with the Germans).
Pylat Stefan – worked in the District Works Department as a Personnel Secretary (left with the Germans).
Rzeszczkowiak – an administrator in the District Works Department <***> (left with the Germans).
Stytseniuk – worker of the district administration, head of the military department (fled with the Germans).
Stryiski – lawyer, took part in the beginning and then withdrew (fled with the Germans).
Onufryk Petro – doctor, took part in the beginning and then withdrew (fled with the Germans).
Budinsky Yuzik – commandant of the action (fled with the Germans).
Konopada – Deputy Commandant of the action (fled with the Germans). His wife lives in Rohatyn on Red Army Street, near the Jewish school.
Question: Apart from the Ukrainians, did the Germans shoot anyone in the Rohatyn district?
Answer: In addition to 22 Ukrainians, I know of actions, i.e. shootings of the Jewish population. There were six such actions with a total of about 6,000 Jews shot.
I cannot characterize each action separately, because we were not allowed close to the Ghetto and I do not remember the time of year when the actions were held.
It was written from my words correctly, I read it and signed my name on it. {Borodoviy}
Question: Tell me where is the cemetery of buried Jews [who were shot by the Germans]?
Answer: One cemetery is behind the district hospital, where more than 3,000 people are buried.
The second cemetery is near the Ukrainian cemetery in the direction of the village of Putiatyntsi, near the railway station, where about 700 people are buried.
Besides that, Germans were taking the dead bodies by train but I don’t know where they went. {Borodoviy}
Interrogated by: the head of the <***>.
8 January 1945
Interrogation of the Witness: Tsilia Israelovna Blekh
Note: The witness named here as Tsilia Israelovna Blekh later wrote about her experiences for the Rohatyn Yizkor Book (“Rohatyn During the Occupation Years”; see p.222~228), also included in Remembering Rohatyn (see p.299~305). In those texts she is called Cyla Blech; the text was written with her husband Aryeh Blech.
Interrogation of Blekh Tsilia Israelovna, born 1913. Born in and living in the city of Rohatyn. Works in Ukrainian Poultry Organization.
Blekh was warned of the responsibility for false testimony under Article 89 of the Criminal Code of the Ukrainian SSR. {Blekh}
Question: What do you know about the atrocities committed by the Germans against the peaceful population of the Rohatyn district?
Answer: Living during the occupation of Rohatyn, I know that with the arrival of the Germans, the head of the district, which included the city Rohatyn, the priest Teleschuk was the first to issue the requirement for the Jewish population to wear white armbands (to distinguish them from the others). That a ghetto should be organized for the Jews.
At Teleschuk’s order…
…the ghetto for Jews was organized at the beginning of August 1941. And all the Jews of the Rohatyn district (about 3,500 people) and refugee Jews (about 3,000 people) were grouped in the Ghetto. And in 1942 from the cities Burshtyn and Bukachivtsi were also brought into the Ghetto about 5,000 Jewish people.
The Germans made the first pogrom on the Jews on March 20, 1942, where they shot 3,000 Jewish people. And buried them in 2 pits near the railway station in the direction of the village of Putiatyntsi.
The second action of extermination of the Jews was carried out on September 21~22, 1942. This time the Germans took 1,000 Jewish people from the Ghetto. Of these, 300 were shot and buried near the district hospital, and 700 were placed in railway carriages and sent to Bełżec, where with the use of electricity, they were exterminated.
The 3rd liquidation of the Jewish population was carried out by the Germans on December 8, 1942. This time the Germans sent 1,400 Jews to Bełżec by train (before loading them, all were stripped of clothing), where they were killed, and 500 people were shot near the ghetto and buried also near the district hospital.
The 4th so-called liquidation action was carried out by the Germans on July 6, 1943. This time and subsequent times during the local actions about 6,000 people of the Jews were shot. And all of them were buried near the district hospital.
So during the period of the domination of the Germans in the Rohatyn district they exterminated about 12,000 peaceful people of the Jewish nationality.
Question: Can you name the persons known to you – participants and accomplices of the brutal shooting and killing of the peaceful inhabitants of the Rohatyn district?
Answer: Among the participants of the brutal shooting of civilians in the Rohatyn district I know the following people:
1. Stryiska (the wife of the lawyer Stryiski) – worked in the for the Deputy District Commissar (fled with the Germans).
2. Hrabova – a pharmacy worker (fled with the Germans).
3. Hrabov – where he worked I do not know (fled with the Germans).
4. Budinsky (Volksdeutsche – worked as the head of the store for the sale of Jewish things (fled with the Germans).
5. Konopada – worked in the store, Budinsky’s assistant. At present he is in the city of Gdynia, Poland.
6. Ilkiv Ivan – lives and works on Zavoda Street. Helped the Germans to identify the Jews in the period of the actions.
7. Hebe – worked in a bakery, currently works in a flour mill in Rohatyn as a laborer. He helped to identify Jews during the actions and bullied them.
8. Hervinski Stefan – is currently working as a blacksmith, helped to identify Jews during the actions and personally killed one Jew himself (Brodbar Rubin), and took his gold things and money from him.
9. Baliuk – the wife of a watchmaker, gave up Jews to the Germans. Perovna can confirm this? Works in the fruit-growing area.
Written down correctly from my words, it was read to me and I signed it. {Blekh}
Interrogated by: Head of the <***>.
9 January 1945
Interrogation of the Witness: Roza Aronovna Bal
Note: The witness named here as Roza Aronovna Bal later wrote about her experiences for the Rohatyn Yizkor Book (“The Community of Rohatyn Destroyed”; see p.213~215), also included in Remembering Rohatyn (see p.287~290). In those texts she is called by her married name, Rachel NasHofer; the text was written with her husband Moshe NasHofer (see below).
Minutes of interrogation.
January 11, 1945, to the investigator of the Prosecutor’s Office of Rohatyn District of Stanislaviv Region, Kalyatin, questioned as a witness Bal Roza Aronovna, born in 1918, a native of the village of Nyzhnia Lypytsia, Bilshivtsi District, Stanislaviv oblast, a craftswoman, Jewish, a member of the collegium, education 7 years. During the occupation, lived in the city of Rohatyn, no criminal record (self-declared), at present she works in the hospital in Rohatyn as a nurse. She now lives in the city of Rohatyn on Red Army Street at house No. 3.
She was warned about the responsibility for false testimony under Article 89 of the Criminal Code of the Ukrainian SSR. {Bal}
On the merits of the case she explained:
After the German occupiers came to Rohatyn, they called all Jewish men to the synagogue, where they were robbed of their valuables, which were taken away by District Commissar Kokhel, with the help of the Ukrainian National Militia under the command of Lieutenant Bachynski.
After a while they gathered all the former Soviet servicemen in one room and beat them up for 18 days, and then took them to court, and after the trial some of them remained and some were gradually released, but about 70 people were killed.
At the time of the first gathering of the Jews in the synagogue an offer was made to ransom the Jews who were in the synagogue, to fill the synagogue with food, clothing, and valuables worth 750,000 rubles. And 750,000 rubles were surrendered in silver Polish money, which was paid on the same day and by a certain hour.
On March 20, 1942 the first Jewish pogrom was carried out in Rohatyn, during which about 3,500 Jews were killed in Rohatyn outside the city near the old brick factory on the road towards Putiatyntsi. Before the execution all were stripped naked and put on a bridge above the pit and shot, all the above 3,500 people were residents of Rohatyn and refugees to Rohatyn since 1939 from other places.
Around August 20, 1942, a second pogrom was organized against the Jews, during which about 1,500 people were sent by railroad in the direction of Bełżec, and what happened to them after is not known, as none of them survived.
Before the third pogrom of Jews, all the remaining Jews of the Burshtyn district, Bilshivtsi district, and Bukachivtsi district were transported to Rohatyn to the Jewish quarter – the ghetto. On December 8, 1942, a third pogrom was carried out, during which about 2,200 people were transported by railroad in the direction of Bełżec, but no one knows what happened to them.
The last liquidation of the Jewish pogrom was carried out on June 6th, 1943, when about 2,500 people were killed and they were taken out behind the Rohatyn hospital to the brick factory where they were shot naked in the pits which were prepared beforehand.
The total number of Jews killed during the period of the German occupation in Rohatyn was about 10,000 people, of whom the inhabitants of Rohatyn themselves were more than 3,200 people.
I can explain nothing more, everything is written from my words correctly, it was read out to me. {Bal}
The investigator of the prosecutor’s office of Rohatyn district. {Signature}
Atrocities in the Village of Potik
Minutes of interrogation
1945 February 17 in the city of Rohatyn. I, detective of Rohatyn, Militia Lieutenant of State Security Service Katlov interrogated as a witness: Mandziy Petr Ivanovych, born in 1893, a native of the village of Chesnyky, a resident of the village of Potik, Rohatyn district, Stanislaviv oblast, from the peasantry, without party, 4 classes of education at a rural school, married, no criminal record (self-declared).
He was warned of the responsibility for false testimony under Article 89 of the Criminal Code of the Ukrainian SSR. {Mandziy}
Question: Please tell us about the atrocities and murders committed by the German fascist invaders during the German occupation of the village of Potik.
Answer: With the arrival of the German fascist invaders, a new order of enslavement and destruction of the Russian and Ukrainian people was established.
They imposed on the peasants unbearable duties of supply of meat, eggs, milk, bread.
The peasants were brutally treated. During the occupation of the village they took 160 people, mostly youths, to hard labor in Germany.
They took from the peasants 600 head of cattle and small grazing animals, 120 horses, 25 pigs.
The German fascist invaders burned 20 farms with buildings. 19 farms were damaged, 5 persons were killed.
Of the family of Andriy Belin, 4 people were brutally murdered.
The premises and equipment of the school and the clubhouse were completely destroyed.
The protocol was written down from my words and it was read aloud to me and I signed it. {Mandzii}
Interrogated by the commissioner of Rohatyn, the Militia Lieutenant of State Security. {Katlov}
Atrocities in the Village of Melna
Minutes of interrogation
I, the officer in charge of the Rohatyn District, Lieutenant Katlov, interrogated as a witness on February 17, 1945:
Senyshchyn Kondrat Yosipovych, born in 1896, a native and resident of the village of Melna, Rohatyn district, Stanislaviv oblast, of peasant origin, Ukrainian, non-party, education 4 classes of rural school, works as chairman of the village council, married, no criminal record (self-declared).
Senyshchyn was warned of his responsibility for false testimony under Article 89 of the Criminal Code of the Ukrainian SSR. {Senyshchyn}
Question: Could you tell us about the atrocities and murders committed by the German fascist invaders in the village of Melna, Rohatyn district, Stanislaviv oblast?
Answer: From the first days of the German occupation of the village of Melna, a hard life for the peasants began. The Germans imposed on the peasants an unbearable supply of meat, eggs, milk and bread.
During the occupation, about 80 people were forcibly taken away to Germany, primarily young people, Komsomol members, and the children of poor people.
The German fascist invaders brutally tortured peaceful citizens, they killed in the village of Melna about 10 people.
The property of the village club was completely destroyed. Children were deprived of education.
The room and inventory with <***> certificates were destroyed. The building was reduced to 70% useless.
During the occupation period the German fascist invaders took away from the peasants small and large herd animals about 150 head, and 15 horses.
The protocol was written down from my words and properly read aloud to me, and I signed my name on it.
Interrogated by {Katlov}
Atrocities in the Village of Putiatyntsi
Minutes of interrogation
February 17, 1945, in Rohatyn, I, the officer in charge of the Rohatyn district, Lieutenant Katlov, interrogated as a witness:
Pasnak Vasyl Ivanovych, born in 1903, a native and resident of the village of Putiatyntsi, Rohatyn district, Stanislaviv oblast, of peasant origin, Ukrainian, non-party, education two classes of rural school, works as chairman of the village council, no criminal record (self-declared).
Pasnak was warned about the responsibility for false testimony under Article 89 of the Criminal Code of the Ukrainian SSR. {Pasnak}
Question: Tell us in detail what you know about the atrocities committed by the German fascist invaders, and the murders they committed in the village of Putiatyntsi, Rohatyn district, Stanislaviv oblast.
Answer: From the first days of the arrival of the German fascist invaders in the village of Putyatintsi the Germans appointed the village head.
During the German occupation of the village about 100 people were sent to hard labor in Germany, mostly young Komsomol members and the poorest young people. The deportation to Germany was in groups.
The fascist invaders took 350-400 cattle and small horned herd animals, 20 pigs, and 80 horses from the village of Putyatintsi.
The property of the village school and the village clubhouse was completely destroyed.
The distillery was also destroyed by 80%.
The buildings of landlord Tarasevych with his property were completely destroyed.
The property of collective farm Shevchenko, including agricultural property as well as cattle, were taken by the Germans to Germany.
Question: What can you add to your testimony?
Answer: I can’t add anything else. The report is written down from my words and read out loud to me, and I signed my name on it. {Pasnak}
Recorded by the police officer of the district, Militia Lieutenant of the State Security Service.
Atrocities in the Village of Dobryniv
Minutes of interrogation
February 17, 1945, in Rohatyn, I, detective officer of the Rohatyn district, Lieutenant Katlov, interrogated as a witness:
Yurkiv Vasyl Andreevych, born in 1903, a native and resident of the village of Dobryniv, by birth from peasants, Ukrainian, non-party, education 4 classes of rural school, works as chairman of the village council in Dobryniv, married, no criminal record (self-declared).
Yurkiv was warned about the responsibility for false testimony under Article 89 of the Criminal Code of the Ukrainian SSR. {Yurkiv}
Question: Could you please tell us in detail about the atrocities committed by the German fascist invaders and the murders they committed in the village of Dobryniv, Rohatyn district, Stanislaviv oblast?
Answer: With the arrival of the German fascist invaders in the village of Dobryniv in Rohatyn district, on the first day a religious festival (divine service) was organized in honor of the independence of Ukraine, after which a village headman Fedun Ivan was elected. From that moment the German invaders took free reign in the village of Dobryniv.
During the time of German occupation in the village of Dobryniv about 100 people were taken away into German slavery.
The young men and women, who worked actively in the village during the Soviet time for strengthening the might of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, were taken away to Germany: the members of the Komsomol and the poorest young people. The selection was made by the head of the village, the German headman Fedun.
So it happened in the last days of July 1944, the punitive detachment of the German fascist invaders in the village of Dobryniv captured about 40 men and they were taken to Germany.
Regarding the robbery of peaceful civilians it is necessary to mention that the fascist invaders robbed the peasants, so that 200 head of horned and small cattle were taken away.
The German fascist invaders completely destroyed the property of the village club, school, and village council. The farm, house, and buildings of Fedun Hayevki were burned.
Question: Were any Ukrainians shot by the Germans?
Answer: No one from the village of Dobryniv was shot by the Germans.
Question: What else can you add to your testimony?
Answer: It is necessary to add that from the first days of the occupation of the village of Dobryniv I was personally arrested as the chairman of the village council, then I was brutally tortured and beaten. I was under arrest for two days.
The report is written down from my own words correctly. It was read aloud to me and I signed it. {Yurkiv}
Interrogated by the detective of Rohatyn, Militia Lieutenant of State Security
Atrocities in the Village of Liubsha
Minutes of interrogation
1945 February 17, in the city of Rohatyn. I, the officer-in-charge of the Rohatyn district, Lieutenant Colonel Katlov, interrogated as a witness:
Heneha Semen Maksimovych, born in 1903, a native of the village of Dehova, a resident of the village of Liubsha of Rohatyn district of Stanislaviv oblast, by birth from peasants, Ukrainian, non-party, education 4 classes of rural school, works as chairman of the village council in Liubsha, married, no criminal record (self-declared).
Heneha was warned about the responsibility for false testimony under Article 89 of the Criminal Code of the Ukrainian SSR. {Heneha}
Question: Could you tell us in detail about the atrocities committed by the German fascist invaders and the murders they committed in the village of Liubsha, Rohatyn district, Stanislaviv oblast?
Answer: From the first days of the German occupation of the village of Liubsha Germans began to impose their orders, appointed the village head, imposed on the peasants nearly impossible duties of supply of eggs, milk, meat and bread.
During the period of reign of the Germans, there were sent to hard labor in Germany 53 persons, mostly the youth, Komsomol members, and children of the poor.
About 35 head of cattle and small herd animals were taken from the peasants.
The premises and property of the village club were destroyed.
Children were deprived of schooling.
This protocol was written down for me and correctly read out loud to me, and I have signed my name on it.
Atrocities in the Village of Zhovchiv
Minutes of interrogation
1945, February 17, the city of Rohatyn. I, the detective officer of the Rohatyn district, Lieutenant Katlov of the State Security Service, questioned as a witness:
The witness was Makohin Fedor Mykolaievych, born in 1901, a native of and a resident of the village of Zhovchiv, Rohatyn district, Stanislaviv oblast, a peasant by birth, Ukrainian, non-party, 4 classes of rural school, worked as the chairman of the village council, married, no criminal record (self-declared).
Makohin was warned about his responsibility for false testimony under Article 89 of the Criminal Code of the Ukrainian SSR. {Makohin}
Question: Could you tell us in detail about the atrocities committed by the German fascist invaders and the murders they committed in the village of Zhovchiv, Rohatyn district, Stanislaviv oblast?
Answer: From the first day the German invaders came to the village of Zhovchiv, the Germans took the Jews, took their horses and looted their property. In total there were three Jewish families in the village.
Families, who were on the collective farm, were completely deprived of the right to use the land, all of their grain was taken away, and delivery of bread to the Germans was imposed.
During the period of the German control in the village of Zhovchiv they forced 131 persons to go to work in hard labor in Germany, mostly the youth, Komsomol members, and children of poor kolkhoz families.
People were rounded up in night raids by the police and the Germans, then were taken to Rohatyn under escort. These people were killed on the way.
Deportation to hard labor took place three times during the occupation in the same manner.
All the buildings of the collective farm were completely destroyed by German fascist invaders. Every day, agricultural draft equipment and animals were moved to Germany.
The property of the village club and school were completely destroyed, and on the premises of the club the German fascist invaders made a workshop for repairing cars.
The school building was used as a hospital, and children were completely deprived of education.
About 200 head of cattle and small herd animals were confiscated from the peasants, and they were forced to supply eggs, milk, and meat to the Germans.
Activists of the Soviet power Belas Mykhail Vasylevych, a collective farmer, and Yatskiv Fedor Mikhailovych, a former deputy of the collective farm, were subjected to brutal beatings and torture as activists.
Question: What else can you add to your testimony?
Answer: I have nothing more to add. The record was read aloud from my own words, and I signed it.
Interrogated by the representative of Rohatyn Militia State Security Lieutenant. {Katlov}
Atrocities in the Village of Uyizd
Minutes of interrogation
1945, February 17, in Rohatyn. I, the detective officer of the Rohatyn district, Militia Lieutenant of the State Security Service, Katlov, questioned as a witness:
Stetskiv Fedor Mikhailovych, born in 1912, a native of and resident of the village of Uyizd, Rohatyn district, Stanislaviv oblast, a peasant, Ukrainian, non-party, education six classes of rural school, chairman of the village council, no criminal record (self-declared), married.
Stetskiv was warned of his responsibility for false testimony under Article 89 of the Criminal Code of the Ukrainian SSR. {Stetskiv}
Question: Could you tell us about the atrocities committed by the German fascist invaders and the murders they committed during the German occupation of the village of Uyizd?
Answer: From the first days of the occupation of the village Uyizd by the German fascist invaders, the Germans began imposing their brutal orders, imposed unbearable duties of meat, milk and eggs on the peasants.
They started terrorizing and plundering civilians.
So, during the occupation of the village about 90 people – mainly the youth – were taken away to hard labor in Germany.
They took from the peasants 130 head of cattle and large herd animals, 18 horses, 20 pigs. The village clubhouse property was destroyed by 50%, the school was ruined by 60%. Children were deprived of education.
These minutes were written from my words and read out loud to me, and I signed. {Stetskiv}
Interrogated by: Commissioner in Rohatyn, Militia Lieutenant of State Security {Katlov}
Interrogation of the Witness: Anton Ivanovych Zayets
Minutes of interrogation
The city of Rohatyn, January 12, 1945. I am Militia Lieutenant Detective of the Rohatyn district of the N.K.G.B. Kuksov. Having interrogated for this record:
Zayets Anton Ivanovych, born in 1899, a native of the village of Shybalyn, Berezhany district of Ternopil oblast in Ukraine, not educated, married, not in service, from poor peasants.
On responsibility for false testimony under Article 89 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. USSR. Warned: {Zayets Anton Ivanovych}
Question: Where did you live during the German occupation of Rohatyn?
Answer: During the German occupation of the city of Rohatyn by the Germans I also lived in Rohatyn, and worked as a street cleaner at the Rohatyn town council.
Question: Have you been exposed to any repression activities on the part of German fascist authorities?
Answer: I was not exposed to any repression by the German fascist authorities.
Question: What do you know about the atrocities committed by the German occupiers during their stay on …
… Soviet soil?
Answer: With the arrival of the German fascist troops in the Rohatyn district in 1941, not <***> 5 months of stay in the city, not a single grocery store worked where you could get at least a minimum food ration. Citizens working in German organizations – also the case with earnings <***>, as a result of which many citizens were living in poor conditions.
Many people lost their ability to work, and refused to go to work, for which they were beaten until they passed out, and were arrested for not obeying the German authorities.
German military officers who were in Rohatyn created incredible circumstances and barbarized the peaceful population. They entered peasants’ houses without saying a word, took away everything they liked, and if people said anything to them they were tortured.
There were cases when German soldiers came to the market and took away food from the inhabitants: meat, sugar, bread and poultry. If the people refused, they were beaten with rifle stocks, and if they resisted, they were punished with rifle stocks.
Around the beginning of February 1942, a lot of German Gestapo punitive workers arrived in Rohatyn. In the second year of the Gestapo’s presence in the city, the first action of extermination of citizens of the Jewish nationality began in Rohatyn. On the night of 19 March 1942, the city was surrounded, and the punitive forces of the Gestapo police and the Gendarmerie carried out mass arrests and detentions of Jews, all of whom were sent to the market square where they laid them in the snow, despite their youth and old age.
When 250 or 300 people came to the market square, they were put in cars assembled at the market, and driven to the railway station of Rohatyn. Those who did not want to get into the cars were beaten or simply shot on the spot by the punitive policemen. When they came in carts, they were picked up and driven to the cemetery, where they shot those who were driven there.
By the end of the day, around ten groups of 250 or 300 people were taken from the market square to the pit where they were shot. All in all, about 2500-3000 people were shot on 19 March 1942 alone.
The pit over which the citizens of Jewish nationality were shot was made by the Jews themselves before the first occupation. When the Jews were digging this pit, what they were told by the German soldiers and the workers of the German punitive bodies was that they were digging the pit to install an oil storage base and when the pit was dug all the diggers were shot.
All of the belongings of the executed Jews were collected by the German authorities and sent to the specially equipped store in the building of the Jewish prayer hall, from where they were taken to the workers of Nazi Germany and to the German Volksdeutsche employees.
The second action of extermination of Jews took place in August 1942. In this action, just like the previous one, the city was surrounded by German soldiers; workers of the punitive bodies detained and arrested everyone who was confined there, they were taken to the Ukrainian church, where they were searched in groups of about 60-80 people and then sent to the railway station, where they were put into the railway cars and sent to Khodoriv in the Drohobych oblast.
The second action lasted for three days during which several thousand citizens of Jewish nationality were detained and sent to the depths of Germany.
The third action of extermination of citizens of Jewish nationality was carried out in the spring of 1943, which was carried out over ten months. During this time the German fascist executioners arrested and executed about seven thousand Jews. All of the detained civilians were first sent to a ghetto (German camp for the Jews) from where on the second to the fourth day they were sent to be shot. All of the Jewish families who were shot are located in a field behind the Rohatyn district hospital, in the place where they used to mine and process the materials for whitewashing and repairing houses.
Question: Who are the known residents of Rohatyn who took part in the shooting of Jewish citizens?
Answer: I know the following persons who took part in the shooting of citizens of Jewish nationality;
1) Bachynski (I do not know his patronymic), 50 years old, whose place of birth is also unknown, worked as a commandant of the German-Ukrainian police stationed in the building of the military registration and enlistment office. Bachynski together with his subordinate policemen arrested and robbed not only Jewish citizens, but also other innocent citizens. After the retreat of the German forces in August 1944, Bachynski fled together with the German forces, where he is currently I do not know.
2) Sheremeta (I do not know his patronymic) was 45-48 years old, he was born in Chesnyky, of nationality Ukrainian, of unknown party, from middle peasantry. He worked as a deputy commandant of the Ukrainian police in Rohatyn city. As a deputy commandant he rudely treated the peaceful population. Together with German soldiers he conducted arrests and robbed the peaceful population, and took part in shootings of citizens of Jewish nationality. When the Germans retreated, he fled together with German troops. I do not know where he is now.
3) Bronislav Konopada (I do not know his patronymic), 43 years old, a native of Rohatyn. Rohatyn Ukrainian without party from peasants or serfs or kulaks, under the Germans he took German citizenship as “Volksdeutsche” and then took the post of head of the store where Jewish things and furniture were sold. Konopada cooperated with the German Gestapo punitive body. He suppressed the enemies of the German authorities, and he also took an active part in the execution of citizens of Jewish nationality. When the German troops retreated, Konopada fled together with them, and where he is now I do not know.
4) <***> Budzinsky (patronymic unknown), 46-48 years old, a native of Rohatyn, Ukrainian, literate, received German citizenship under the Germans as “Volksdeutsche” and was put to work in the store selling goods to the Jews. While working in the store, Budzinski took an active part in the shooting of Jewish citizens, <***> when the shooting was carried out, he ordered everyone to take off their clothes, even to their undershirts. When the German troops retreated, Budzinski fled together with them, where he is now is unknown.
Question: Who among the inhabitants of Rohatyn worked in the German punitive authorities, as Gestapo police, Gendarmerie, and others?
Answer: I do not know who of the residents of Rohatyn worked in the punitive bodies.
Question: Who had contacts with the punitive bodies?
Answer: I do not know who among the residents of Rohatyn had contacts with the German punitive bodies.
Question: What about citizens of Polish nationality who were hostile to the Ukrainian people and worked in German organizations and institutions?
Answer: I do not know anything about citizens of Polish nationality hostile to the Ukrainian people and working in German institutions.
Question: What do you know about persons who belonged to Ukrainian nationalists currently working in the Soviet apparatus?
Answer: I am not aware of any such persons.
Question: What can you add to your testimony?
Answer: I can’t add anything to my testimony, it was written down from my words correctly and read aloud to me, and I signed my name.
Questioned by the detective officer of the R.NKGB, Militia Lieutenant for State Security
Interrogation of the Witness: Herman Solomonovych Wohl
Note: The witness named here as Herman Solomonovych Wohl later wrote about his experiences for the Rohatyn Yizkor Book (“The Destruction of Rohatyn”; see p.234~238), also included in Remembering Rohatyn (see p.306~310). In those texts he is called Tzvi Wohl. Part of his survivor story is recorded at Yad Vashem with that of the Righteous Gentiles who sheltered him and his fiancée at their farm and in the forest. In 1999, Wohl’s daughter Marta gave a speech about her experience traveling in 1998 to Rohatyn with her mother and brother to the burial sites monuments dedication ceremony; that speech is included in Remembering Rohatyn (see p.529~535). In 2021 a genealogical research article in Gesher Galicia’s quarterly journal [22] provided more information about Wohl’s biography including his wartime experience, and verified his true birth year as 1914.
Minutes of interrogation
On the 11th day of January 1945, the investigator of the Rohatyn district prosecutor’s office, Stanislaviv oblast, Kalitin, questioned as a witness Wohl Herman Solomonovych. Born in 1906, a native of Rohatyn, Rohatyn district of Stanislaviv oblast, from a workers family, in service, a Jew, educated to higher pedagogical work, <***>, no criminal record (self-declared). During the occupation he lived in Rohatyn, where he did not work, but hid. At the moment he is working as the manager of the regional office “Soyuzutil”, living in Rohatyn on Piotr Skarga street house No. 2.
He was warned about the responsibility for false testimony under article 89 of the Criminal Code of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. {Wohl Herman Solomonovych.}
On the merits of the case he said:
Upon the arrival of the German invaders in Rohatyn in 1941, District Commissar Kokhel arrived, who issued several decrees on the subject of Jewish life in Rohatyn. The first order was to separate the Jews from the general population to the so-called Jewish quarter, which occupied the living area – in the streets Rynok, Tserkovna, Ivan Franko, Stalamova, Torgova, Kupeleva(?), and Nove misto. This entire Jewish quarter was surrounded by the Jews themselves by a fence and was guarded by the local police, Jews could live only in this quarter, but walking around the city was allowed.
On the second day after the German invaders came, District Commissar Kokhel ordered the Jews to be assembled in the synagogue – the Jewish synagogue, where about 500 people were gathered and locked in the synagogue. They offered a ransom of 1.5 million Polish silver coins, and then, when 750,000 rubles were collected in money, the Jews offered to give the remaining 750,000 rubles worth in goods (linen, dishes, bedding and manufactured goods), which was carried out by the Jews on the same day and the hostages were released from the synagogue.
After a while there was an order from Kokhel that all Jews, unlike other nations, had to wear a white armband with a six-pointed star on the left sleeve and an inscription on the armband that read Jude, meaning Jew, and a Jewish Ghetto was formed, and from the Ghetto all Jews were forbidden to go into town, the workers who had to go to work would line up in the morning in a column and go in formation.
{Wohl Herman Solomonovych}
They dispersed to work, the remaining Jews were allowed once a week on market day to go out into town for 3 hours, after 3 hours if the Jews were delayed, they were beaten and chased into the Jewish quarter, the so-called Ghetto.
After these orders there was the following order on the Jews: all Jews were required to surrender their warm fur clothing including collars, hats, boots, and fur mittens. There was also a provisions action in January 1942, when from the homes of the Jewish population of Rohatyn were taken all available edibles, which were collected in three wagons. And finally all the Jews who did not surrender non-ferrous metal were threatened with death, and all brass things including door knobs were collected.
After this, Benkovsky and Tsikhotsky were ordered to force Jews to dig two huge pits behind Rohatyn on the road to Putiatyntsi near an old brick barn, and on March 20, 1942 the first pogrom of Rohatyn Jews was carried out. This pogrom was led by Gestapo Commandant of Stanislaviv, Major Krieger, with the help of the Ukrainian National Police led by Lieutenant Bachynski.
At 9:30 a.m. the Jewish quarter was surrounded and the Jews were driven out of there and gathered at the market in Rohatyn, put face down on the ground, forbidding them to lift their heads. The police and four machine guns surrounded the place and then they began loading the Jews into 12 cars which took them to an old brick factory out of the city, where two pits were prepared. There they stripped everyone naked, lined them up on the bridge above the pit and shot them. In this way they killed 3,500 people until 7 pm Moscow time on March 20. From the pits after 7 pm up to 60 injured people got out. On the third day, on March 23, 1942 one carload of quicklime was taken to the pits, this lime was poured over the dead bodies and they poured water on them. On the next day after the execution of Jews the liquidators came to the Jewish quarter and took away all the things of the killed Jews as well as the rest of the Jews.
In the spring of 1942, typhus spread among the remaining Jewish population, so the Germans opened a Jewish hospital where they took typhus patients and forced Jewish doctors to keep the patients in the hospital without medication. In the course of the typhus disease the Germans broke into the hospital twice and killed all the patients, doctors and attendants, thus over 350 Jews were killed.
Around August 20th, 1942 they organized a second pogrom on the Jews. In order to put them into wagons for transportation, they were lined up in the Jewish quarter and under strict escort they were taken to Rohatyn station, where about 1500 people were put into the wagons and taken toward Bełżec, where they were electrocuted like animals and the remains were thrown into the river near the slaughterhouse.
{Herman Solomonovych Wohl}
After the second pogrom of Rohatyn’s Jews, all surviving Jews from Burshtyn district, Bilshivtsi district and Bukachivtsi district were moved to Rohatyn to the Jewish quarter. And Rohatyn city was annexed to the Ternopil administrative service.
The third Jewish pogrom was carried out on December 8th, 1942, where as in the previous pogroms, about 1,500 Jews of all ages were rounded up in the Jewish quarter, put into wagons and sent towards Bełżec. During this roundup and dispatch about 200 Jews were killed in the streets and in houses, mostly children and elderly people.
Liquidation of the Jewish quarter or the so-called Ghetto took place on June 6, 1943. Before the liquidation of Jews, they were forced to dig several pits behind the Rohatyn hospital near the brickyard, where they shot the remaining Jews, so that by this way, within a few days they executed over 2,500 Jews.
The liquidation of the Jewish quarter was supervised by Gestapo Commandant Major Miller, who came from Ternopil, with lawyer Lex, Kokhel was the District Commissar in Rohatyn. The pogroms of Jews in Rohatyn were carried out by the Gendarmerie. The Rohatyn Gendarmerie was led by Tyt, the National Ukrainian Militia led by Bachynski, with other militia participants Cherevaty from Putiatyntsi, Dzera from Zaluzhzhia, Teleshchuk from Zhovchiv. Sheremet Vasyl is the secretary of the militia, from Chesnyky. Ivanishko, Konopada, Fedyk, Hrok, and Budzinski from Rohatyn helped out.
They worked during the German occupation and helped to kill the Jewish people of Rohatyn and its district.
Pirih worked as head of the city council. Hrytsai, who worked as the district head and assistant to Commissar Kokhel, Mikhail Sheremeta – intercessor and city police deputy commandant.
Teleshchuk from Potik worked as a head of the Ukrainian Self-Government Committee, at present he works as a priest in the village of Potik, Rohatyn District.
The National Ukrainian Committee of independent Ukraine was composed of: Mrs. Stryiska, Mr. Melnyk, Hrav, Pylat, Kazhibek(?), and others – a total of 24 people who traveled to Kraków in 1941 to the Congress and there they decided to have an independant Ukraine without Jews, which is where the Jewish pogroms began.
I cannot explain anything else, everything is written down from my words correctly and read to me. {Wohl Herman Solomonovych}
Investigator {signature}
Interrogation of the Witness: Moses Samoilovych Nashofer
Note: The witness named here as Moses Samoilovych Nashofer later wrote about his experiences for the Rohatyn Yizkor Book (“The Community of Rohatyn Destroyed”; see p.213~215), also included in Remembering Rohatyn (see p.287~290). In those texts he is called Moshe NasHofer; the text was written with his wife Rachel NasHofer, née Bal (see above).
Minutes of interrogation
January 10, 1945, Investigator of the Rohatyn District Prosecutor’s Office in Stanislaviv oblast, Kalitin, questioned as a witness Nashofer Moses Samoilovych, born in 1906, a native and resident of Rohatyn, Rohatyn District, Stanislaviv oblast, a servant, a Jew, a BT, a citizen of the USSR, no criminal record (self-declared), widower, caring for a son of 11 years. During the occupation he lived and worked in Rohatyn, at the present time working as the manager of the inter-district poultry industry Zahotkontoroy, he lives in Rohatyn on Red Army Street, house No. 35.
He was warned about the responsibility for false testimony under article 89 of the Criminal Code of the Ukrainian SSR.
{Nashofer Moses Samoilovych}
On the merits of the case he explained:
On March 20, 1942, at 9:30 a.m. in Rohatyn, by order of the commandant of the Gestapo from Stanislaviv, Major Krieger, there was a round-up in the Rohatyn Jewish quarter about 3,000 people of all ages, from small children to the elderly, who were taken in the direction of the highway to Putiatyntsi and shot in two pits near the brick factory. Of all those shot, 1820 people were registered in the Jewish department, and about 1200 people were not registered anywhere, but collected in the Jewish quarter, in the process of assembling Jews in Rohatyn. In Rohatyn in the Jewish quarter about 1000 Jews were killed in the streets and in the houses, mostly children and old people. The pogrom did not end until 7 p.m. on March 20, 1942 Moscow time.
The shooting, catching and taking of Jews to the place of the murder was done on the orders of Major Krieger, and the chief of the Ukrainian National Militia in Rohatyn, Lieutenant Bachynski, who was the organizer of the Ukrainian National Militia in Rohatyn when the Germans came. This Bachynski is a native of Cherche village in the Rohatyn District, Stanislaviv oblast, who before the war worked in the national Ukrainian gymnasium as a professor in Rohatyn.
On the next day, after the pogrom, the remaining Jews were gathering and burying the bodies of Jews who had been killed, until March 26, 1942. Major Krieger and Lieutenant Bachynski had instructed the remaining Jews to gather and bury the dead.
{Nashofer Moses Samoilovych}
On September 22, 1942 a second pogrom was organized against the Jews by the commandant of Gestapo in Ternopil, Major Miller, who came and brought with him Lex who worked as a lawyer in Berlin. During two days, about 200 Jews were released from those arrested for a huge ransom, and the rest, about 800 Jews, were taken by the railroad towards Bełżec, where in the forest at the so-called “site of two Jews” they were killed or something else I do not know.
During the second pogrom about 200 people were killed in the streets, mostly children and old people. It was allowed for the remaining Jews to bury the bodies of the killed.
The pogrom on the Jews in Rohatyn was carried out by the Ukrainian National Militia under the leadership of Lieutenant Bachynski, and by the Gendarmerie under the command of Lieutenant Tyt, commandant of the Gendarmerie of Rohatyn.
On December 8th, 1942, the third pogrom against the Jews was organized. Around 1,300 Jews of all ages were caught and taken away to the forest in “the place of two Jews” near the town of Bełżec. 250-300 of them were killed in the streets and in houses of the Jewish quarter, just like during the previous pogroms.
The third pogrom was carried out by the commandant of the Gestapo in Ternopil, Major Miller, in the presence of lawyer Lex, with Lieutenant Bachynski – the chief of the Ukrainian National Police, and Lieutenant Tyt – commandant of the Gendarmerie in Rohatyn.
On their way towards Bełżec, Roza Bal and Bernat Tesler escaped from the wagons and survived, and are now living in Rohatyn.
On June 6th, 1944, the Jewish quarter of Rohatyn was liquidated and the Jewish population of Rohatyn was murdered. During that time about 2,500 people of all ages were murdered in Rohatyn in the area behind the hospital below a hill, in one pit.
This work was carried out by the commandant of the Gestapo in Stanislaviv, Major Krieger, in the presence of the Gestapo chief’s intercessor in Ternopil <***> Lex, the chief of the Ukrainian police Lieutenant Bachynski, and the chief of the Gendarmerie in Rohatyn Lieutenant Tyt.
Of all the Jews who were killed during the period of the German occupation, 3257 Rohatyn residents were killed, 25 survived, while the total number of Rohatyn residents, according to the list for 1939, was 3282 Jews.
The rest of the killed Jews had been exiled to Rohatyn in the Jewish quarter from the Burshtyn district, the Bilshivtsi district, the Bukachivtsi district, in total about 6000 people.
{Nashofer Moses Samoilovych}
Prosecutor’s Office Investigator.
Interrogation of the Witness: Onufry Ivanovych Brodoviy (Second Testimony)
Note: This is one of two testimonies made by Onufry Ivanovych Brodoviy (the first is above). See the additional notes about this witness and his brother at the top of the first testimony.
Minutes of interrogation
On the 12th day of January, 1945, the investigator of the prosecutor’s office of Rohatyn district, Stanislaviv oblast, Kalitin, interrogated as a witness Borodoviy Onufry Ivanovych, born in 1896, a native of Babukhiv village, Burshtyn district, Stanislaviv oblast. Working class, Ukrainian, BT, uneducated, no criminal record (self-declared), married, citizen of the Soviet Union. During the occupation, I lived and worked in the town of Rohatyn as a heater operator, at the moment I am working in the same heating facility in the office of the District Administration Committee of the Rohatyn district. I live in Red Army Street house No. 66.
He was warned about the responsibility for false testimony under article 89 of the Criminal Code of the Ukrainian SSR.
On the merits of the case he explained:
After the German occupants came to Rohatyn, the German authorities formed a Jewish quarter in Rohatyn, the so-called Ghetto. And around this ghetto there was a wire fence which was guarded from outside by the national Ukrainian militia, the Jews were forbidden to go out of this ghetto. At first, once per week they were allowed to go out, and then they forbade the Jews to go into the city at all.
In the first pogrom, which was on March 20, 1942 from 9:30 am to 7 pm Moscow time, about 3,500 Jewish people of Rohatyn were killed. They were killed in two pits prepared in advance, which earlier <***> Jews; these pits are located behind Babintsi near the brick plant in the direction of the road to Putiatyntsi.
All of the operations of taking objects and valuables from the killed and surviving Jews were carried out by Budinsky – Konopada. He was appointed by Kokhel as his deputy for the liquidation of the Jewish population, and Budinsky’s deputy was Konopada, who carried out the plundering of the Jewish population in Rohatyn.
The second and third pogroms of Jews took place when I was there, but I do not remember exactly how many Jews were killed, not only from Rohatyn but also from other places. They put them in wagons and took them away towards Bełżec, and I do not remember what happened to them either.
The liquidation of the Jewish population in Rohatyn was carried out by Major Miller. He worked for the Gestapo in Ternopil who gathered all the living Jews who were in the Ghetto in the market square, then drove them out behind the hospital and shot them in pits prepared in advance, near the brick factory. And how many were killed at that time, it is impossible to establish, but about 2,500 people, and later they also killed in small batches of 30 to 100 people, I do not know how many times, but not one or two times.
After the Jews were beaten all their goods were looted by the local population and the German criminals and liquidators.
The German occupants were assisted in the destruction of the Jewish population by Lohush-Tsipinsky, Pylat Stepan, Stetseniuk, Markovsky, Zhichinsky the engineer, all of whom are residents of Rohatyn.
In addition, Mrs. Stryiska, Kokhel’s secretary, was mocking the Jews, ordering every day objects or things – once Stryiska ordered the Jews to make a golden handle for an umbrella, then another time she ordered them to make a silver table set of 24 pieces, then she ordered them to make an Astrakhan fur coat, etc. All these orders were promptly carried out by the Jews in order to keep themselves alive.
I can’t explain anything else, everything is written down from my words correctly and read to me. {Borodoviy}
Investigator of the Prosecutor’s Office in Rohatyn District {Signature}
Tables: Accounting of the People Killed and Deported into Slavery In Germany
as Reported by Village Councils in the Rohatyn District
Note: No deportations were reported in the tables detailed here or in the summary table at the beginning of the report of people from the city of Rohatyn or the village of Potik. Apparent errors in the original material are indicated here with an asterisk (*). Uncertain info due to legibility problems are indicated with a question mark (?).
p.36 [in Ukrainian language].
No. | Surname, Name, Patronymic | Year Born | Sex | Where & When Killed | Deported to Germany | Village |
1 | Rak Vasyl Mykhailovych | 1924 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
2 | Biliak Marta Onufriivna | 1905 | F | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
3 | Biliak Lyka Markovych | 1920 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
4 | Mykolyshyn Ruzka Yarem. | 1900 | F | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
5 | Mykolyshyn Panko Romanovych | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
6 | Mykolyshyn Ivan Romanovych | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
7 | Mykolyshyn Stepan Romanovych | 1935 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
8 | Herletskyi Petro Sem. | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
9 | Sapira Panko Dmytrov. | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
10 | Atamaniuk Feska Semen. | 1914 | F | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
11 | Mykolyshyn Vasyl Oleks. | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | ||
12 | Buniak Iryna Yaremivna | 1897 | F | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
13 | Buniak Yatsko Zakharevych | 1921 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
14 | Buniak Malania Zakharevych | 1925 | F | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
15 | Buniak Fed Zakharevych | 1927 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
16 | Sabkiv Vasyl Adamovych | 1900 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
17 | Zapotichnyi Ivan Pylypovych | 1921 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
18 | Zapotichnyi Havrylo Danylovych | 1912 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
19 | Zapotichnyi Doska Fedorivna | 1910 | F | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
20 | Buniak Paska Yurkivna | 1905 | F | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
21 | Buniak Pavlina Yurkivna | 1925 | F | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
22 | Zapotichnyi Zakharko Panakh | 1907 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
23 | Zapotichnyi Paska Yurkivna | 1900 | F | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
24 | Zapotichnyi Panko Yurkivych | 1920 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
25 | Zapotichnyi Vasyl Zakharevych | 1936 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
27* | Kymchyshyn Mykhailo Stakh. | 1924 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
28 | Khamevko Mykhailo Klym. | 1924 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
29 | Lavriv Sen Yakymovych | 1910 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
30 | Masnyi Mykhailo Pankov. | 1914 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
31 | Deiva Mykhailo Andriiev. | 1924 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
32 | Kuchak Yustyna Pavlivna | 1905 | F | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
33 | Kruchak Mariia Yurkivna | 1925 | F | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
34 | Havor Barbara Matviivna | 1925 | F | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
35 | Havor Mykola Matviievych | 1930 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
36 | Kruchok Maksym Yurkovych | 1912 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
37 | Kruchok Mariia Tananivna | 1923 | F | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
38 | Dzyba Mykola Federovych | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
39 | Mykolyshyn Panko Dmytr. | 1911 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
40 | Mykolyshyn Yosyp Dmytrovych | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
40* | Bach Feska Markivna | 1919 | F | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
41 | Lavriv Pylyp Stepanov. | 1921 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
42 | Babiy Sen | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
43 | Babiy Sabina | 1927 | F | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
44 | Romankiv Mykhailo Pylyp. | 1914 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
45 | Babiy Anna Fedorivna | 1926 | F | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
46 | Bilohan Panko Yosypovych | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
47 | Harasymiv Mykhailo Danyl. | 1920 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
48 | Kuzenko Fed Romanov. | 1906 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
49 | Kuzenko Zofia Lukiianivna | 1917 | F | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
50 | Harasymiv Paranka Zakhar. | 1937? | F | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
51 | Harasymiv Mykola Zakharovych | 192? | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
52 | Bilohan Anna Mykhailivna | 1924 | F | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
53 | Komar Stepan Kuzmovych | 1924 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
54 | Komar Oleksa Martynovych | 1903 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
55 | Dzyba Sen | 1924 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
56 | Kuzyk Dmytro Ivanovych | 1924 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
57 | Mykolyshyn Iva Hryhorov. | 1924 | M* | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
58 | Havor Matvyi | 1924 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
59 | Motolokha Mykola Ivanovych | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
60 | Lavriv Yavdokha Matviivka | 1900 | F | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
61 | Biliak Tymko Borysovych | 1909 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
62 | Drahanchyk Mykhailo Prokop | 1912 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
63 | Pavlyshyn Matvyi Onufriiev | 1913 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
64 | Kardash Mykhailo Lukiianovych | 1912 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
65 | Bilinskyi Ivan Prokopovych | 1913 | M | Deported to Germany | Dolyniany | |
66 | Buntsyk Hryhorii Vasylevych | 1920 | M | Deported to Germany 1942 | Pidbiria | |
67 | Kasper Ivan Dmytrovych | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Pidbiria | |
68 | Chayka Anna Vasylivna | 1926 | F | Deported to Germany | Pidbiria | |
69 | Loyko Mykhailo Andriievych | 1915 | M | Deported to Germany 1944 | Pidbiria | |
70 | Dropka Andrii Fedorovych | 1921 | M | Deported to Germany 1942 | Pidbiria | |
71 | Rybak Dmytro | 1928 | M | Deported to Germany 1942 | Pidbiria | |
72 | Vovchak Vasyl Ivanovych | 1910 | M | Deported to Germany 1944 | Pidbiria | |
73 | Efinovych Mykhailo Oleksiievych | 1900 | M | Deported to Germany 1944 | Pidbiria | |
74 | Horin Fed Ivanovych | 1910 | M | Deported to Germany 1944 | Pidbiria | |
75 | Dron Yosyf Stakhovych | 1894 | M | Deported to Germany 1942 | Pidbiria | |
76 | Vyshyvanyi Mykola | 1914 | M | Deported to Germany 1942 | Pidbiria | |
77 | Budnyk Yosyf Marianovych | 1917 | M | Deported to Germany 1942 | Pidbiria | |
78 | Loyko Kateryna Ivanivna | 1924 | F | Deported to Germany | Pidbiria | |
79 | Herezovska Arafia Petrivna | 1924 | F | Deported to Germany | Pidbiria | |
80 | Henkivska Khema | 1923 | F | Deported to Germany | Pidbiria | |
81 | Horin Petro Ivanovych | 1921 | M | Deported to Germany | Pidbiria | |
83* | Horin Vasyl Ivanovych | 1924 | M | Deported to Germany | Pidbiria | |
84 | Manchuk Vasyl Mykolaievych | 1926 | M | Deported to Germany | Pidbiria | |
85 | Aftanasiv Ivan Ivanovych | 1910 | M | Deported to Germany 1944 | Pidbiria | |
86 | Mykolaychuk Andrii | 1912 | M | Deported to Germany | Pidbiria | |
87 | Dropka Vasyl | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany 1942 | Pidbiria | |
88 | Perepichka Mykhailo | 1924 | M | Deported to Germany | Pidbiria | |
89 | Vitvitskyi Mykhailo | 1926 | M | Deported to Germany | Pidbiria | |
90 | Pidhaynyi Mykhailo | 1920 | M | Deported to Germany | Pidbiria | |
91 | Mamchuk Vasyl Hryhorovych | 1914 | M | Deported to Germany | Pidbiria | |
92 | Drapka Vasyl Ivanovych | 1921 | M | Deported to Germany 1944 | Pidbiria | |
93 | Fatsiievych Olena | 1924 | F | Deported to Germany 1942 | Pidbiria | |
94 | Belskyi Vasyl | 1920 | M | Deported to Germany | Pidbiria | |
95 | Korolyshyn Vasyl | 1921 | M | Deported to Germany | Pidbiria | |
96 | Moda Mykola | 1914 | M | Deported to Germany | Pidbiria | |
97 | Rabiy Ivan Yakubovych | 1907 | M | Deported to Germany | Dehova | |
98 | Kitseniuk Mykhailo Hryhorovych | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Dehova | |
99 | Kitseniuk Mariia Hryhorivna | 1927 | F | Deported to Germany | Dehova | |
100 | Demkiv Mariia Andriivna | 1916 | F | Deported to Germany | Dehova | |
101 | ? Vasyl Yosypovych | 1924 | M | Deported to Germany | Dehova | |
102 | Marunchak Mykhailo Ivanovych | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Dehova | |
103 | Ducheminskyi Volodymyr Stakhovych | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Dehova | |
104 | Heneha Barbara Vasylivna | 1925 | F | Deported to Germany | Dehova | |
105 | Borodenko Ivan Sapkovych | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Dehova | |
106 | Heneha Ivan Kankovych | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Dehova | |
107 | Heneha Mykola Kankovych | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Dehova | |
108 | Yazlovetskyi Volodymyr Stepa | M | Deported to Germany | Dehova | ||
109 | Malofin Luka Fedorovych | M | Deported to Germany | Dehova | ||
110 | Hrushka Ivan Mykytovych | 1929 | M | Deported to Germany | Dehova | |
111 | Sopkiv Stepan Petrovych | 1926 | M | Deported to Germany | Dehova | |
112 | Shymanskyi Stepan | 1908 | M | Deported to Germany | Dehova | |
113 | Malynovskyi Volodymyr | 1912 | M | Deported to Germany | Dehova | |
114 | Marunchak Volodymyr | 1920 | M | Deported to Germany | Dehova | |
115 | Heneha Stepan Andriiovych | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Dehova | |
116 | Marunchak Stepan Avhustyn | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Dehova | |
117 | Pryshliak Kornel Mykhailovych | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Dehova | |
118 | Bilinskyi Petro Ivanovych | 1915 | M | Deported to Germany | Dehova | |
119 | Heneha Hryts Stepanovych | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Dehova | |
120 | Marunchak Mariia Fedorivna | 1923 | F | Deported to Germany | Dehova | |
121 | Heneha Volodymyr Mykhailovych | 1912 | M | Deported to Germany | Dehova | |
122 | Marunchak Kyrylo Kyrylovych | 1930 | M | Deported to Germany | Dehova | |
123 | Zapotichnyi Volodymyr | 1920 | M | Deported to Germany | Dehova | |
124 | Zapotichnyi Stepan Petrov | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Dehova | |
125 | Marunchak Mykhailo | 1908 | M | Deported to Germany | Dehova | |
126 | Holinovych Ivan Vasylovych | 1926 | M | Deported to Germany | Dehova | |
127 | Pilot Fed Ilkovych | 1897 | M | Deported to Germany | Dehova | |
128 | Savka Pavlo Ilkovych | 1918 | M | Deported to Germany | Dehova | |
129 | Havrys Stakh Yosypovych | 1905 | M | Deported to Germany | Dehova | |
130 | Zapotichnyi Mykola Vasylovych | 1902 | M | Deported to Germany 07Jul1944 | Zhovchiv | |
131 | Plekan Mykola Petrovych | 1932 | M | Deported to Germany 16Jun1944 | Zhovchiv | |
132 | Plekan Ivan Hryhorovych | 1902 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
133 | Makohin Dmytro Mykolaievych | 1904 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
134 | Shaletskyi Ivan | 1905 | M | Deported to Germany 07Jul1944 | Zhovchiv | |
135 | Pakula Fedir Dmytrovych | 1905 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
136 | Kubarych Ivan Andriiovych | 1905 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
137 | Mahmet Ivan Mykhailovych | 1906 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
138 | Petriv Mykola Maksymovych | 1906 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
139 | Padchak Mykola Mykolaievych | 1906 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
140 | Kubarych Fedir Andriiovych | 1907 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
141 | Burka Dmytro Karlovych | 1907 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
142 | Petrivskyi Stepan Dmytrovych | 1907 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
143 | Sudor Mykhailo Ivanovych | 1907 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
144 | Makohin Oleksa Mykolaievych | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
145 | Yatskiv Vasyl Pylypovych | 1908 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
146 | Harakevych Stepan Hnatovych | 1908 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
147 | Hnylytsia Stepan Onufriievych | 1908 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
148 | Burka Yaroslav Ivanovych | 1909 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
149 | Chachun Ivan Fedorovych | 1909 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
150 | Blahyi Vasyl Mykhailovych | 1909 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
151 | Mashtalir Hryhorii Mykolayovych | 1909 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
152 | Vichkovskyi Volodymyr Hnatovych | 1909 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
153 | Kubarych Dmytro Andriiovych | 1909 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
154 | Burka Petro Hryhorovych | 1909 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
155 | Buryi Fedit Mykhailovych | 1910 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
156 | Makota Volodymyr Onufriievych | 1910 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
157 | Sanahurskyi Ivan Vasylovych | 1910 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
158 | Kovalyshyn Mykola Mykhailovych | 1910 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
159 | Makohin Andrii Mykolaievych | 1910 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
160 | Haraskevych Mykhailo Semenovych | 1910 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
161 | Romaniv Stepan Fedorovych | 1911 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
162 | Petrovskyi Mykola Dmytrovych | 1911 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
163 | Dovhan Ivan Petrovych | 1911 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
164 | Haluha Petro Hryhorovych | 1911 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
165 | Kubarych Mykhailo Dmytrovych | 1911 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
166 | Sanahurskyi Fedir Ilkovych | 1912 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
167 | Petriv Dmytro Maksymovych | 1912 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
168 | Sudor Ivan Mykhailovych | 1912 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
169 | Padnak Petro Mykolaievych | 1912 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
170 | Petryshyn Petro Mykolaievych | 1912 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
171 | Makohin Fedir Stepanovych | 1912 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
172 | Polovyi Tymko Mykolaievych | 1912 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
173 | Chupryna Stepan Oleksievych | 1912 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
174 | Petryshyn Ivan Mykhailovych | 1912 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
175 | Kubarych Dmytro Andriievych | 1913 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
176 | Nachyn Stepan Fedorovych | 1913 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
177 | Mahmet Volodymyr Andriievych | 1913 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
178 | Bilyk Volodymyr Yustynovych | 1913 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
179 | Hrynak Vasyl Fedorovych | 1913 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
180 | Fedkiv Mykhailo Dmytrovych | 1913 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
181 | Mahmet Volodymyr Vasylovych | 1914 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
182 | Pannak Petro Pylypovych | 1914 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
183 | Sapahurskyi Mykhailo Prokopovych | 1914 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
184 | Hnylytsia Mykhailo Fedorovych | 1917 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
185 | Burka Vasyl Ilkovych | 1915 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
186 | Tutskyi Petro Ivanovych | 1915 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
187 | Kubarych Petro Andriiovych | 1915 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
188 | Petryshyn Ivan Mykolaievych | 1915 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
189 | Frich Volodymyr Frankovych | 1920 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
190 | Romaniv Fedir Fedorovych | 1920 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
191 | Kabarych Mykhailo Andriievych | 1920 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
192 | Nyshchyk Petro Yosypovych | 1920 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
193 | Haluha Vasyl Mykytovych | 1920 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
194 | Dovhan Prokyp Mykolaievych | 1921 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
195 | Makohin Dmytro Vasylovych | 1921 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
196 | Dukh Volodymyr Dmytrovych | 1921 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
197 | Pidzhak Hrynko | 1921 | M | Deported to Germany 1944 | Zhovchiv | |
198 | Pakula Andrii Dmytrovych | 1921 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
199 | Parukhuts Ivan Vasylovych | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
200 | Kubarych Mykhailo Andriiovych | 1932 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
201 | Burka Dmytro Ivanovych | 1932 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
202 | Muzyka Mykola Andriievych | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
203 | Makohin Stepan Hryhorovych | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
204 | Andrusin Stepan Dmytrovych | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
205 | Dybyk Vasyl Dmytrovych | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
206 | Padchak Dmytro Ivanovych | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
207 | Mahmet Stepan Yosypovych | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
208 | Makula Roman Dmytrovych | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
209 | Haluha Ivan Mykytovych | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
210 | Chachkun Mykhailo Stepanovych | 1924 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
211 | Vychkovskyi Petro Yakubovych | 1924 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
212 | Makohin Fed Vasylovych | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
213 | Bodnar Mykhailo Mykolaievych | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
214 | Yatskiv Roman Dmytrovych | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
215 | Mahmet Petro Mykhailovych | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
216 | Burka Vasyl Vasylovych | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
217 | Petryshyn Dmytro Mykolaievych | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
218 | Sanahurskyi Dmytro Mykhailovych | 1926 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
219 | Andrusiv Vasyl Dmytrovych | 1920 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
220 | Yatskiv Hrynko Maksymovych | 1926 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
221 | Hryvnak Fedir | 1913 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
222 | Pelkshak Stepan Mykhailovych | 1921 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
223 | Burka Petro Tymkovych | 1916 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
224 | Sanahurskyi Mykhailo Pavlovych | 1916 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
225 | Fedyk Roman Ivanovych | 1928 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
226 | Vysotskyi Pylyp Fedorovych | 1929 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
227 | Sanahurskyi Bohdan | 1928 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
228 | Dovhan Stapyn Petrovych | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
229 | Mahmet Dmytro Mykhailovych | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
230 | Tretiak Mykhailo Fedorovych | 1926 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
231 | Dovhan Fedir Mykolaievych | 1924 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
232 | Paduchak Oleksa Romanovych | 1924 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
233 | Yakymovych Fedir Vasylovych | 1926 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
234 | Chuprynda Vasyl Mykolaievych | 1927 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
235 | Vysotskyi Dmytro Fedorovych | 1926 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
236 | Sanahurskyi Mykola Mykhailovych | 1913 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
237 | Sudor Ivan Mykolaievych | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
238 | Sudor Stepan Mykolaievych | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
239 | Peliushchak Oleksa Mykhailovych | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
240 | Hamuliak Mykhailo Dmytrovych | 1929 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
241 | Kubarych Vasyl Andriievych | 1920 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
242 | Mahmet Mykhailo Dmytrovych | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
243 | Dovhan Olha Petrivna | 1923 | F | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
244 | Dybyk Mariia Mykhailivna | 1923 | F | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
245 | Sanahurska Dozka Dmytrivna | 1922 | F | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
246 | Myrosh Kateryna Dmytrivna | 1923 | F | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
247 | Vysotska Anna Onufriivna | 1912 | F | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
248 | Dychok Sofia Pavlina | 1922 | F | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
249 | Kubarych Kaska Andriivna | 1924 | F | Deported to Germany 1944 | Zhovchiv | |
250 | Yatskiv Kaska Mykolaivna | 1925 | F | Deported to Germany 1943 | Zhovchiv | |
251 | Makohin Nastia Stepanivna | 1920 | F | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
252 | Pliuta Mariia Fedorivna | 1924 | F | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
253 | Bulyk Stepania Yustynivna | 1924 | F | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
254 | Mahmet Stepania Dmytrivna | 1922 | F | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
255 | Sanahurska Mariia | 1913 | F | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
256 | Stasiuk Kaska Dmytrivna | 1922 | F | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
257 | Burka Doska Stepanivka | 1919 | F | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
258 | Starashchuk Mykola Hryhorovych | 1928 | M | Deported to Germany 07Jul1944 | Zhovchiv | |
260* | Muzyka Mykhailo Andriiovych | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
261 | Polovyi Tymko Mykolaievych | 1912 | M | Deported to Germany | Zhovchiv | |
262 | Kozar Vasyl Ivanovych | 1927 | M | 25Aug killed in Melna | Melna | |
263 | Lisovyi Vasyl Tymkovych | 1910 | M | 25Aug killed in Melna during search | Melna | |
264 | Tokar Dmytro Ilkovych | 1900 | M | 10Sep killed during search | Melna | |
265 | Kuzyshyn Pavlo Ivanovych | 1897 | M | 26Nov shot in Lviv | Melna | |
266 | Kryven Mykhailo Stepanovych | 1910 | M | 26Nov shot in Lviv | Melna | |
267 | Shymanskyi Dmytro Prokopovych | 1904 | M | 26Jun1944 killed in Melna by bomb | Melna | |
268 | Shymanskyi Dmytro Prokopovych | 1924 | M | ??Jun1944 shot in Lviv | Melna | |
269 | Oliynyk Mykhailo Mykhailovych | 1904 | M | 15May1943 shot in Lviv | Melna | |
270 | Hradkyi Vasyl Savkovych | 1923 | M | 24Jun1944 in Melna at the front | Melna | |
271 | Horush Mykhailo Stepanovych | 1922 | M | 24Jun1944 in Melna at the front | Melna | |
272 | Yaremchuk Kateryna Ivanivna | 1934 | F | 24Jun1944 in Melna at the front | Melna | |
273 | Savryi Mykhailo | 1915 | M | Killed | Perenivka | |
274 | Okrepka Teklia | 1900 | F | Deported to Germany | Perenivka | |
275 | Savitskyi Stepan | 1904 | M | Deported to Germany | Perenivka | |
276 | Darmits Vasyl | 1921 | M | Deported to Germany | Perenivka | |
277 | Kostra Vasyl | 1924 | M | Deported to Germany | Perenivka | |
278 | Zaborska Mariia | 1925 | F | Deported to Germany | Perenivka | |
279 | Datsyi Anna | 1923 | F | Deported to Germany | Perenivka | |
280 | Ilkiv Kateryna | 1925 | F | Deported to Germany | Perenivka | |
281 | Datsyi Vasyl | 1930 | M | Killed | Perenivka | |
282 | Pankiv Vasyl Leskovych | 1924 | M | Killed | Dychky | |
283 | Kulynych Mykhailo Mykolaievych | 1913 | M | Killed | Dychky | |
284 | Savchuk Ivan | 1930 | M | Killed | Dychky | |
285 | Shemberka Kaska | 1889 | F | Killed | Dychky | |
287* | Kvasnytsia Haska Stepanivna | 1912 | F | Killed | Dychky | |
287 | Kvasnytsia Hryts Ivanovych | 1910 | M | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
288 | Levkiv Vasyl | 1912 | M | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
289 | Zakharkiv Anna Fedorivna | 1912 | F | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
290 | Turchin Yosyf | 1920 | M | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
291 | Sovyak Kaska | 1920 | F | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
292 | Zakharkiv Kaska | 1920 | F | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
293 | Bereza Ilko Semenovych | 1900 | M | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
294 | Bereza Stepan | 1927 | M | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
295 | Kalyna Semen | 1903 | M | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
296 | Bereza Vasyl Oleksiiovych | 1910 | M | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
297 | Hrabskyi Ivan Mykhailovych | 1912 | M | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
298 | Hrabska Kaska Stakhovna | 1920 | F | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
299 | Hrabskyi Vasyl Stepanovych | 1910 | M | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
300 | Hlu?ovych Dmytro | 1916 | M | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
301 | Yonyk Semen | 1914 | M | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
302 | Sharobura Filko Sydorovych | 1915 | M | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
303 | Borkyvych Paska | 1920 | M* | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
304 | Borkyvych Kaska | 1927 | F | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
305 | Hava Mykhaska | 1920 | F | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
306 | Stashviv Nastia | 1923 | F | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
307 | Senyshyn Liudvika | 1916 | F | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
308 | Hotra Anna Hryhorivna | 1907 | F | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
309 | Yonyk Zoska Fedorivna | 1900 | F | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
310 | Varvarchyn Haska Ivanivna | 1927 | F | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
311 | Shemberka Anna Ivanivna | 1929 | F | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
312 | Berezhanska Anna Shavlivna | 1928 | F | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
313 | Martyniak Anna | 1928 | F | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
314 | Martyniak Nastia | 1916 | F | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
315 | Martyniak Yosyf | 1930 | M | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
316 | Martyniak Ivan | 1928 | M | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
317 | Honchar Ilko | 1907 | M | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
318 | Stashkiv Mariia | 1925 | F | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
319 | Budynska Mariia Dmytrivna | 1925 | F | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
320 | Hotra Ruzia Hryhorivna | 1926 | F | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
321 | Martyniak Mykhailo | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
322 | Filiak Paska Mykolaivna | 1917 | F | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
323 | Samborskyi Dmytro Yurkovych | 1907 | M | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
324 | Varvarchyn Mariia | 1917 | F | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
325 | Levkiv Andrii | 1900 | M | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
326 | Martyniak Mykhailo | 1917 | M | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
327 | Lypovyi Vasyl | 1914 | M | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
328 | Yakymiv Stepan | 1910 | M | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
329 | Samborskyi Mykhailo | 1912 | M | Deported to Germany | Dychky | |
330 | Lomaha Mykhailo | 1914 | M | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
331 | Boychuk Fedir Semkovych | 1912 | M | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
332 | Lisovyi Hrynko | 1901 | M | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
333 | Kobryn Vasyl Mykhailovych | 1921 | M | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
334 | Hurska Anna Ivanivna | 1894 | F | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
335 | Trach Ivan | 1914 | M | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
336 | Lisovyi Vasyl Ivanovych | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
337 | Hotra Mykhailo Ivanovych | 1928 | M | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
338 | Kushnir Vasyl Oleksiievych | 1928 | M | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
340* | Kuzyshyn Mykola Pylypovych | 1916 | M | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
341 | Kuzyshyn Pavlo Petrovych | 1924 | M | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
342 | Tokar Zofia Ilkivna | 1920 | F | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
343 | Tokar Anna Ilkivna | 1913 | F | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
344 | Datsyi Petro Mykolaievych | 1914 | M | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
345 | Myrka Anna Mykoaiivna | 1916 | F | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
346 | Bahryi Ivan Vasylovych | 1927 | M | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
347 | Lisova Anna Mykolaivna | 1923 | F | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
348 | Lisovyi Vasyl Mykolaievych | 1921 | M | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
349 | Lisovyi Mykhailo Mykolaievych | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
350 | Martyniv Oleksa | 1914 | M | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
351 | Kuzyshyn Anna Matviivna | 1922 | F | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
352 | Pastukh Kateryna Vasylivna | 1923 | F | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
353 | Kisil Mariia Fedorivna | 1928 | F | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
354 | Zadoretskyi Roman Ivanovych | 1920 | M | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
355 | Zadoretska Marda Ivanivna | 1922 | F | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
356 | Stanislav?shyn Volodymyr | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
357 | Stanislav?shyn Stepan Mykhailovych | 1928 | M | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
358 | Petchytska Oleksa | 1901 | M | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
359 | Vitvitskyi Mykhailo Vasylevych | 1924 | M | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
360 | Huzar Klym Ivanovych | 1899 | M | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
361 | Kushnir Mariia Ivanivna | 1923 | F | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
362 | Kushnir Anna Ivanivna | 1921 | F | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
363 | Hrytsyshyn Yevdokha Andriivna | 1928 | F | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
364 | Basarab Mykhailo Andriievych | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
365 | Ostashevskyi Ivan Mykolaievych | 1928 | M | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
366 | Ostashevska Natalka Mykolaivna | 1920 | F | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
367 | Rii Vasyl Fedorovych | 1910 | M | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
368 | Rii Mariia Ivanivna | 1912 | F | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
369 | Hotra Mykola | 1928 | M | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
370 | Hotra Kaska Ivanivna | 1917 | F | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
371 | Hotra Kateryna Ivanivna | 1919 | F | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
372 | Kushnir Fedir Ivanovych | 1921 | M | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
373 | Kushnir Tanka | 1924 | F | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
374 | Husar Mykhailo Ivanovych | 1914 | M | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
375 | Myrka Mykola | 1901 | M | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
376 | Lozynskyi Fedir | 1912 | M | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
377 | Chmyr Kcenka Yosypivna | 1914 | F | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
378 | Hurska Zofia Frankivna | 1924 | F | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
379 | Veres Yosyp | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
380 | Bida Mykhailo Ivanovych | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
381 | Karolius Hrynko | 1913 | M | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
382 | Zadorozhnyi Bohdan Mykhailovych | 1924 | M | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
383 | Kushnir Mykola Ivanovych | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Melna | |
384 | Hotra Vasyl Dmytrovych | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Holodivka | |
385 | Kruk Volodymyr Ivanovych | 1912 | M | Deported to Germany | Holodivka | |
386 | Olenchak Mykhailo Dmytrovych | 1914 | M | Deported to Germany | Holodivka | |
387 | Bohda Yosyp Ilkovych | 1890 | M | Deported to Germany | Holodivka | |
388 | Prots Mykhailo Ivanovych | 1914 | M | Deported to Germany | Holodivka | |
389 | Herech Ivan Pylypovych | 1910 | M | Deported to Germany | Holodivka | |
390 | Okrepka Ivan Yosypovych | 1912 | M | 24Jul1944 killed | Holodivka | |
391 | Sheremeta Vasyl | 1924 | M | Deported to Germany | Holodivka | |
392 | Chubata Oksana Ivanivna | 1919 | F | Deported to Germany | Holodivka | |
393 | Chubata Kateryna Ivanivna | 1017 | F | Deported to Germany | Holodivka | |
394 | Terebu?ka Melania Dmytrivna | 1918 | F | Deported to Germany | Holodivka | |
395 | Meletska Olha Mykhailivna | 192? | F | Deported to Germany | Holodivka | |
396 | Kostra Mariia Teodorivna | 1924 | F | Deported to Germany | Holodivka | |
397 | Synyshyn Vasyl Teodorvych | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Vyspa | |
398 | Burbuliak Hryts Ivanovych | 1924 | M | Deported to Germany | Vyspa | |
399 | Na??ets Ivan Ivanovych | 1924 | M | Deported to Germany | Vyspa | |
400 | Moroz Vasyl | 1900 | M | Deported to Germany | Vyspa | |
401 | Ivaskiv Paska | 1913 | F | Deported to Germany | Vyspa | |
402 | Stefaniuk Vasyl Semenovych | 1905 | M | Deported to Germany | Vyspa | |
403 | Pavlyk Mykhailo Dmytrovych | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Vyspa | |
404 | Stasyshyn Anna Ilkivna | 1925 | F | Deported to Germany | Vyspa | |
405 | Stasyshyn Panka Ilkivna | 1927 | F | Deported to Germany | Vyspa | |
406 | Buianovska Anna Onufriivna | 1929 | F | Deported to Germany | Vyspa | |
407 | Buianovskyi Vasyl Onufriievych | 1928 | M | Deported to Germany | Vyspa | |
408 | Buianovskyi Mykhailo Onufriievych | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Vyspa | |
409 | Khemyi Yatsko Ivanovych | 1903 | M | Deported to Germany | Vyspa | |
410 | Khemyi Kaska Brkivna | 1898 | F | Deported to Germany | Vyspa | |
411 | Khemyi Handzia Teodorivna | 1925 | F | Deported to Germany | Vyspa | |
412 | Mankiv Ivan Vasylevych | 1911 | M | Deported to Germany | Vyspa | |
413 | Mykytiv Stepan V. | 1920 | M | Deported to Germany | Vyspa | |
414 | Mykytiv Vasyl | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Vyspa | |
415 | Burbuliak Teodor Ivanovych | 1900 | M | Deported to Germany | Vyspa | |
416 | Plok Petro | 1905 | M | Shot | Vyspa | |
417 | Mykytiv Vitalko | 1870 | M | 25Jul1944 killed near the house | Vyspa | |
418 | Haiek Mariia Leonivna | 1880 | F | Shot | Vyspa | |
419 | Pavlyk Ivan Mykhailovych | 1924 | M | Shot | Vyspa | |
420 | Kulynych Stepania Ivanivna | 1924 | F | Shot | Vyspa | |
421 | Firman Vasyl Hryhorovych | 1929 | M | Shot | Vyspa | |
422 | Firman Ivan Hryhorovych | 1921 | M | Shot | Vyspa | |
423 | Forman Teklia Hryhorivna | 1924 | M | Shot | Vyspa | |
424 | Zamoiska Nastia Ivanivna | 1920 | M | Shot | Vyspa | |
425 | Zamoiska Mariia | 1929 | F | Shot | Vyspa | |
426 | Valchuk Mariia Hryhorivna | 1928 | F | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
427 | Valchuk Natalia Hryhorivna | 1926 | F | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
428 | Korchynska Bliia Hryhorivna | 1924 | F | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
429 | Korchynskyi Stepan Andriievych | 1929 | M | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
430 | Khandoha Stepan Andriievych | 1926 | M | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
431 | Blinskyi Stepan Ivanovych | 1911 | M | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
432 | Blinskyi Volodymyr Ivanovych | 1928 | M | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
433 | Rii Vasyl Mykhailovych | 1930 | M | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
434 | Frankiv Andrii Mykolaievych | 1928 | M | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
435 | Babyi Mykhailo Vasylevych | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
436 | Klapko Ksenka Ivanivna | 1926 | M | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
437 | Marushchak Paziia Teodorivna | 1923 | F | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
438 | Marushchak Teklia Teodorivna | 1924 | F | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
439 | Reshitnyk Kateryna Teodorivna | 1924 | F | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
440 | Senyshyn Teodor Prokopovych | 1893 | M | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
441 | Pachkovskyi Mykhailo | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
442 | Stadovych Mariia Oleksiivka | 1926 | F | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
443 | Trus Stefania | 1924 | F | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
444 | Trus Kateryna Ivanivna | 1928 | F | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
445 | Maksymkiv Kateryna | 1923 | F | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
446 | Maksymkiv Anna Petrivna | 1927 | F | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
447 | Maksymkiv Bohdan Petrovych | 1928 | M | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
448 | Rii Andrii Antonovych | 1914 | M | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
449 | Malynovskyi Vasyl Mykhailovych | 1928 | M | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
450 | Revutska Mariia Andriivna | 1924 | F | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
451 | Malynovska Mariia Ivanivna | 1925 | F | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
452 | Malynovska Pazia Ivanivna | 1928 | F | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
453 | Kuziv Mariia Oleksiivna | 1926 | F | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
454 | Horin Semen Mykhailovych | 1914 | M | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
455 | Kuziv Yevdokha Vasylivna | 1926 | F | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
456 | Rii Semen Ivanovych | 1914 | M | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
457 | Stasyshyn Ivan Teodorovych | 1927 | M | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
458 | Rii Andrii Mykhailovych | 1914 | M | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
459 | Supymovska Teklia Ivanivna | 1920 | F | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
460 | Kravets Kateryna Leonivna | 1925 | F | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
461 | Soroka Vasyl Ivanovych | 1913 | M | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
462 | Surota Mykola Ivanovych | 1910 | M | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
463 | Surota Hryts Ivanovych | 1912 | M | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
464 | Surota Mykhailo Ivanovych | 1926 | M | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
465 | Surota Vasly Ivanovych | 1928 | M | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
466 | Surota Paranka Fedorivna | 1924 | F | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
467 | Malynovska Blia Mykhailivna | 1926 | F | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
468 | Zaborskyi Mykhailo Ivanovych | 1926 | M | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
469 | Revutskyi Milko Andriievych | 1928 | M | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
470 | Kravets Taras Ivanovych | 1926 | M | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
471 | Korchynskyi Semen Markovych | 1924 | M | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
472 | Veres Mykhailo Onufriievych | 1914 | M | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
473 | Korchynskyi Ivan Hryhorovych | 1010 | M | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
474 | Khandoha Vasyl Andriievych | 1927 | M | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
475 | Rii Mykola Mykhailovych | 1927 | M | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
476 | Khemyi Mykhailo Teodorovych | 1914 | M | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
477 | Huzar Slavko Orkovych | 1927 | M | Deported to Germany | Liubsha | |
479* | Semchyshyn Vasyl Mykhailovych | 1919 | M | Shot | Liubsha | |
480 | Malynovskyi Mykhailo Ivanovych | 1922 | M | Shot | Liubsha | |
481 | Rii Vasyl Andriievych | 1921 | M | Shot | Liubsha | |
482 | Rii Mykhailo Stepanovych | 1928 | M | Shot | Liubsha | |
483 | Ternivskyi Stepan Ivanovych | 1921 | M | Deported to Germany 1941 | Dobryniv | |
484 | Bodnar Mykola Stepanovych | 1921 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
485 | Bodnar Kateryna Stepanivna | 1923 | F | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
486 | Moskal Volodymyr Mykolaievych | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany 1943 | Dobryniv | |
487 | Fedkiv Petro Mykhailovych | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany 1941 | Dobryniv | |
488 | Melnyk Zofia Ivanivna | 1917 | F | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
489 | Horbus Dmytro Ivanovych | 1921 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
490 | Pasnak Ksenia Dmytrivna | 1919 | F | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
491 | Orkiv Mykhailo Mykolaievych | 1906 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
492 | Fedun Mariia Dmytrivna | 1925 | F | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
493 | Halay Mykhailyna Stepanivna | 1910 | F | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
494 | Zaverukha Mariia Vasylivna | 1919 | F | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
495 | Fedun Ksenia Vasylivna | 1921 | F | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
496 | Holod Nastia Zyhmontivna | 1925 | F | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
497 | Panchyshyn Kateryna Oleksiivna | 1924 | F | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
498 | Chaikovskyi Hryhorii Mykhailovych | 1913 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
499 | Loiik Mykhailo Dmytrovych | 1920 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
500 | Fedkiv Vasyl Petrovych | 1900 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
501 | Bodnar Hanna Dmytrivna | 1920 | F | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
502 | Horbus Hrynko Iliievych | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
503 | Baliuk Dmytro Oleksiievych | 1901 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
504 | Baliuk Kaska Kyrylivna | 1898 | F | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
505 | Baliuk Ivan Dmytrovych | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
506 | Baliuk Mykhailo Dmytrovych | 1927 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
507 | Baliuk Yaroslav Dmytrovych | 1931 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
508 | Baliuk Stepan Dmytrovych | 1936 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
509 | Dolishnyi Ivan Dmytrovych | 1903 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
510 | ? Kateryna Dmytrivna | 1903 | F | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
511 | Dolishna Anna Ivanivna | 1926 | F | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
512 | Dolishna Stepania Ivanivna | 1930 | F | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
513 | Dolishnyi Vasyl Ivanovych | 1941 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
514 | Zaverukha Kateryna Hryhorivna | 1906? | F | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
515 | Zaverukha Matvyi Hryhorovych | 1933 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
516 | Derkach Dmytro Mykolaievych | 1913 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
517 | Volianskyi Mykhailo Ostapovych | 1912 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
518 | Ponyk Hrynko Pavlovych | 1906 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
519 | Dolishnyi Mykhailo Mykhailovych | 1909 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
520 | Mizernyi Vasyl Ivanovych | 1928 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
521 | Yakymiv Mykhailo Vasylevych | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
522 | Pasnak Ilko Orkovych | 1900 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
523 | Pasnak Nastia Hryhorivna | 1896 | F | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
524 | Derkach Kateryna Stepanivna | 1907 | F | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
525 | Derkach Ivan Hryhorovych | 1907 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
526 | Fedun Vasyl Mykhailovych | 1909 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
527 | Vikharkh Ivan Dmytrovych | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
528 | Mandzyi Hrynko Dmytrovych | 1920 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
529 | Fedkiv Stepan Ivanovych | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
530 | Rovskyi Yosyf Karolevych | 1891 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
531 | Shkalyi Pavlo Oleksiievych | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
532 | Martsinkovskyi Ivan Mykol. | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
533 | Khudyi Ivan Yurkovych | 1891 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
534 | Fedun Petro Iliievych | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
535 | Skrobach Petro Ivanovych | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
536 | Melnyk Ivan Mykhailovych | 1919 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
537 | Boyko Stepan Mykhailovych | 1924 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
538 | Mizernyi Dmytro Vasylevych | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
539 | Smetana Petro Mykhailovych | 1912 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
540 | Derkach Andrii Dmytrovych | 1924? | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
541 | Romaniv Kateryna Ivanivna | 1923 | F | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
542 | Fedun Dmytro Ivanovych | 1915 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
543 | Kovbasa Ivan | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
544 | Horbus Hrynko Mykolaievych | 1924 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
545 | Fedkiv Ivan Dmytrovych | 1921 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
546 | Fedkiv Hanna Dmytrivna | 1925 | F | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
547 | Fedkiv Nastia Dmytrivna | 1928 | F | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
548 | Melnyk Hanna Ahafiivna | 1923 | F | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
549 | Fedun Vasyl Iliievych | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
550 | Sokolovskyi Ivan Vasylevych | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
551 | Onufryk Hanna Stepanivna | 1923 | F | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
552 | Pryshliak Mykhailo Mykolaievych | 1919 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
553 | Pryshliak Oleksa Mykolaievych | 1924 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
554 | Romaniv Petro Vasylevych | 1921 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
555 | Padliak Kateryna Andriivna | 1922 | F | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
556 | Melnyk Mykhailo Stepanovych | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
557 | Melnyk Petro Stepanovych | 1924 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
558 | Holod Petro Dmytrovych | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
559 | Melnyk Ivan Fedorovych | 1920 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
560 | Brkiv Pavlo Oleksiievych | 1920 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
561 | Melnyk Mykhailo Mykhailovych | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
562 | Shkapyi Vasyl Andriievych | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
563 | Shpakovych Hryhorii Hryhorovych | 1911 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
564 | Fedun Ivan Fedorovych | 1893 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
565 | Onufryk Vasyl Dmytrovych | 1901 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
566 | Romaniv Ivan Petrovych | 1921 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
567 | Pylypiv Mykhailo Mykolievych | 1902 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
568 | Pliuta Dmytro Mykhailovych | 1910 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
569 | Zastavyi Mykhailo Ivanovych | 1921 | M | Deported to Germany | Dobryniv | |
570 | Tsymbalistyi Hrynko Ivanovych | 1911 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
571 | Tsymbalistyi Stepania Stakhivna | 1922 | F | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
572 | Tsymbalistyi Mykola Mykolaievych | 1918 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
573 | Tsymbalistyi Mykhailivna Mykolaivna | 1918 | F | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
574 | Lopatka Dmytro Vasylevych | 1916 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
575 | Vnenk Rozalif Stakhivna | 1923 | F | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
576 | Kisheniuk Ivan Mykhailovych | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
577 | Melyshyn Fed Yurkovych | 1910 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
578 | Melyshyn Tanka Vasylivna | 1907 | F | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
579 | Andrusyshyn Ivan Stahovych | 1906 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
580 | Andrusyshyn Mykhailo Stahovych | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
581 | Shpylchuk Ivan Matvievych | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
582 | Hural Fedir Myktovych | 1915 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
583 | Zhumt Stakh Mykhailovych | 1920 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
584 | Porytko Vasyl Hryhorovych | 1926 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
585 | Mykytka Teodor Ivanovych | 1920 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
586 | Mykytka Anna Vasylivna | 1923 | F | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
587 | Kuchkodan Ivan Hryhorovych | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
588 | Romaniuk Mykola | 1908 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
589 | Romaniuk Anna Stakhivna | 1909 | F | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
590 | Krupka Vasyl Mykolaievych | 1924 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
591 | Popyk Mykhailo Dmytrovych | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
592 | Dzhura Vasyl Mykolaievych | 1910 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
593 | Dzhura Kateryna Mykolaivna | 1014 | F | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
594 | Dzhura Ivan Mykolaievych | 1913 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
595 | Malafyi Hryhorii | 1904 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
596 | Malafyi Anna Ivanivna | 1906 | F | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
597 | Malafyi Vasyl Hryhorovych | 1930 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
598 | Malafyi Mariia Hryhorivna | 1938 | F | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
599 | Pentelei Luts | 1910 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
600 | Korytko Anna | 1901 | F | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
601 | Korytko Mariia Mykhailivna | 1926 | F | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
602 | Korytko Anna Mykhailivna | 1936 | F | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
603 | Lopatka Zofia Teodorivna | 1925 | F | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
604 | Kvasnytsia Ivan Mykolaievych | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
605 | Zadoretskyi Ivan Vasylevych | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
606 | Vovk Mykola Ivanovych | 1920 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
607 | Roskosh Mykola Stakhovych | 1915 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
608 | Roskosh Mariia Hryhorivna | 1910 | F | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
609 | Nadrichnyi Dmytro Mykhailovych | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
610 | Demka Andrii Ivanovych | 1904 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
611 | Demka Nastia Andriivna | 1907 | F | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
612 | Demka Mariia Andriivna | 1924 | F | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
613 | Demka Anna Andriivna | 1926 | F | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
614 | Demka Ivan Andriievych | 1928 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
615 | Nima Ksenia Petrivna | 1923 | F | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
616 | Krupka Vasyl Stakhovych | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
617 | Melnyk Ivan Vasylevych | 1926 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
618 | Pitsyk Vasyl Mykhailovych | 1909 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
619 | Kulynych Mykhailo | 1911 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
620 | Yaremko Kaska | 1912 | F | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
621 | Huchak Mykhailo Ivanovych | 1901 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
622 | Huchak Doska | 1904 | F | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
623 | Huchak Anna Mykhailivna | 1937 | F | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
624 | Huchak Olha Mykhailivna | 1927 | F | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
625 | Korytko Mykhailo Vasylevych | 1910 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
626 | Martyniak Vasyl Mykolaievych | 1924 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
627 | Vovk Mykhailo Hryhorovych | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
628 | Hrynch?k Mykhailo Ivanovych | 1921 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
629 | Hrynch?k Ivan Ivanovych | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
630 | Boyko Mariia Ivanivna | 1915 | F | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
631 | Levka Vasyl Mykolaievych | 1920 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
632 | Levka Anna Mykolaivna | 1922 | F | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
633 | Rab Ivan | 1889 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
634 | Rab Mariia Ivanivna | 1924 | F | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
635 | Kokhman Mariia M. | 1909 | F | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
636 | Chyzhovska Mariia Frankivna | 1922 | F | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
637 | Roskosh Doska | 1904 | F | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
638 | Petriv Paranka | 1922 | F | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
639 | Boyko Anna Stakhivna | 1918 | F | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
640 | Franchyshyn Doska Ivanivna | 1919 | F | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
641 | Zhmut Mariia Vasylivna | 1927 | F | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
642 | Vyshyvanyi Mykhailo Ivanovych | 1921 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
643 | Pavlovych Ivan Mykolaievych | 1924 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
644 | Vorona Anna Vasylivna | 1907 | F | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
645 | Vorona Ivan Fedorovych | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
646 | Heba Vasyl Ivanovych | 1924 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
647 | Kvasnytsia Ivan Ilkovych | 1904 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
648 | Pidliashetskyi Tadei | 1907 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
649 | Pidliashetskyi Volodymyr | 1914 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
650 | Mykhailiv Mykhailo S. | 1916 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
651 | Shpylchuk Matvyi | 1891 | M | Killed in 1943 | Zalaniv | |
652 | Zhmut Mykhailo | 1901 | M | Killed in 1944 | Zalaniv | |
653 | Kvasnytsia Mykola | 1900 | M | Killed in 1944 | Zalaniv | |
654 | Frants Ivan Yurkovych | 1894 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
655 | Frants Anna Vasylivna | 1913 | F | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
656 | Frants Mariia Mykolaivna | 1928 | F | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
657 | Mahdyi Tadei | 1898 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
658 | Mahdyi Nastia Fedorivna | 1899 | F | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
659 | Mahdyi Stakh Teodorovych | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
660 | Mahdyi Mykhailo Teodorovych | 1926 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
661 | Mahdyi Zofia Teodorivna | 1925 | F | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
662 | Mahdyi Marusia Teodorivna | 1928 | F | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
663 | Kokhmar Stakh | 1906 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
664 | Chyzhovskyi Volodymyr | 1900 | M | Deported to Germany | Zalaniv | |
665 | Korytko Yevdokha Mykhailivna | 1923 | F | Deported to Germany | Fraha | |
666 | Futiak Yakym | 1918 | M | Deported to Germany | Fraha | |
667 | Budnyk Kateryna Yosypivna | 1923 | F | Deported to Germany | Fraha | |
668 | Hotsuliak ? Fedorivna | 1914 | F | Deported to Germany | Fraha | |
669 | Snylyk Vasyl Petrovych | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Fraha | |
670 | Sailyv Mykhailo Petrovych | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Fraha | |
671 | Kobylnyk Ivan Fedorovych | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Fraha | |
672 | Benkovska Kateryna Vasylivna | 1908 | F | Deported to Germany | Fraha | |
673 | Mamchuk Khyma Mykhailivna | 1923 | F | Deported to Germany | Fraha | |
674 | Dovha Kateryna Fedorivna | 1922 | F | Deported to Germany | Fraha | |
675 | Komorynskyi Ivan | 1911 | M | Deported to Germany | Fraha | |
676 | Pastukh Vasyl Dmytrovych | 1921 | M | Deported to Germany | Fraha | |
677 | Varvarchyn Mykhailo Ilkovych | 1908 | M | Deported to Germany | Fraha | |
678 | Storozh Yosyp Ivanovych | 1908 | M | Deported to Germany | Fraha | |
679 | Storozh Ivan Ivanovych | 1914 | M | Deported to Germany | Fraha | |
680 | Viter Volodymyr | 1908 | M | Deported to Germany | Fraha | |
681 | Panskyi Ivan Yosypovych | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Fraha | |
682 | Panska Kateryna Yosypivna | 1924 | F | Deported to Germany | Fraha | |
683 | Mamchuk Kateryna Mykhailivna | 1910 | F | Deported to Germany | Fraha | |
684 | Mamchuk Mariia Mykhailivna | 1919 | F | Deported to Germany | Fraha | |
685 | Baliuk Mariia Fedorivna | 1910 | F | Deported to Germany | Fraha | |
686 | Lialka Pelahia Ivanivna | 1913 | F | Deported to Germany | Fraha | |
687 | Mylymuka Vasyl Mykhailovych | 1905 | M | Deported to Germany | Fraha | |
688 | Martsishyn Ahafia | 1910 | F | Deported to Germany | Fraha | |
689 | Lialka Mykhailo Ivanovych | 1904 | M | Deported to Germany | Fraha | |
690 | Hul Vasyl Dmytrovych | 1918 | M | Deported to Germany | Fraha | |
691 | Benkovskyi Volodymyr Mykhailov. | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Fraha | |
692 | Panskyi Ivan Yosypovych | 1920 | M | Deported to Germany | Fraha | |
693 | Martsishyn Franko Karolevych | 1900 | M | Deported to Germany | Fraha | |
694 | Martsishyn Ivan Vasylevych | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Fraha | |
695 | Panskyi Vasyl Ivanovych | 1924 | M | Deported to Germany | Fraha | |
696 | Martsishyn Petro Karolevych | 1895 | M | Deported to Germany | Fraha | |
697 | Martsishyn Ivan Yosypovych | 1895 | M | Deported to Germany | Fraha | |
698 | Matys Mykhailo Yosypovych | 1910 | M | Deported to Germany | Fraha | |
699 | Matys Prokip Yosypovych | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Fraha | |
700 | Matys Kateryna Mykhailivna | 1925 | F | Deported to Germany | Fraha | |
701 | Martsishyn Mykhailo Ivanovych | 1930 | M | Deported to Germany | Fraha | |
702 | Firman Ivan Vasylevych | 1888 | M | Killed by grenade | Fraha | |
703 | Mamchuk Mykhailo | 1923 | M | Killed by grenade 1944 | Fraha | |
704 | Martsishyn Yosyp Ivanovych | 1895 | M | Deported to Germany | Fraha | |
705 | Naumets Mykhailo Fedorovych | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Yahlush | |
706 | Vovk Vasyl Mykolaievych | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Yahlush | |
707 | Vovk Mariia | 1926 | F | Deported to Germany | Yahlush | |
708 | Simka Yosyp Stepanovych | 1921 | M | Deported to Germany | Yahlush | |
709 | Martyshyn Tetianna Semenivna | 1921 | F | Deported to Germany | Yahlush | |
710 | Martyshyn Mariia Semenivna | 1924 | F | Deported to Germany | Yahlush | |
711 | Dutka Ivan | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Yahlush | |
712 | Dutka Volodymyr | 1914 | M | Captured with Polish troops | Yahlush | |
713 | Sapatyi Roman | 1898 | M | Deported to Germany | Yahlush | |
714 | Ivasechko Ivan | 1914 | M | Deported to Germany | Yahlush | |
715 | Berezhanskyi Ivan | 1907 | M | Deported to Germany | Yahlush | |
716 | Berezhanska Kateryna | 1909 | F | Deported to Germany | Yahlush | |
717 | Marushchak Kateryna | 1920 | F | Deported to Germany | Yahlush | |
718 | Marushchak Pavlina | 1927 | F | Deported to Germany | Yahlush | |
719 | Laba Mariia | 1922 | F | Deported to Germany | Yahlush | |
720 | Moskal Yosyf | 1914 | M | Captured with Polish troops | Yahlush | |
721 | Ziulkovskyi Semen | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Yahlush | |
722 | Moskal Anna | 1918 | F | Deported to Germany | Yahlush | |
723 | Hryvnak Semen | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Yahlush | |
724 | Borachok Petro | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Yahlush | |
725 | Zadortskyi Ivan | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Yahlush | |
726 | Martiniak Paranka | 1929 | F | Deported to Germany | Yahlush | |
727 | Hrezda Oleksa | 1914 | M | Captured with Polish troops | Yahlush | |
728 | Hotra Pelahia | 1912 | F | Deported to Germany | Yahlush | |
729 | Haran Anna | 1918 | F | Deported to Germany | Yahlush | |
730 | Moskal Semen | 1904 | M | Deported to Germany | Yahlush | |
731 | Borachok Mykola | 1920 | M | Deported to Germany | Yahlush | |
732 | Borachok Ivan | 1926 | M | Deported to Germany | Yahlush | |
733 | Martyshyn Semen | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Yahlush | |
734 | Martyshyn Dmytro | 1919 | M | Deported to Germany | Yahlush | |
735 | Bilinska Anna | 1915 | F | Deported to Germany | Yahlush | |
736 | Ziulkovskyi Yosyf | 1926 | M | Deported to Germany | Yahlush | |
737 | Saviak Andrii | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Yahlush | |
738 | Zakutynskyi Volodymyr | 1920 | M | Deported to Germany | Yahlush | |
739 | Orchynskyi Olko | 1913 | M | Deported to Germany | Yahlush | |
740 | Voitovych Stepan | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Yahlush | |
741 | Voitovych Mariia | 1925 | F | Deported to Germany | Yahlush | |
742 | Zakutynskyi Ivan | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Yahlush | |
743 | Zakutynska Iryna | 1923 | F | Deported to Germany | Yahlush | |
744 | Medynskyi Ivan | 1909 | M | Shot to death | Yahlush | |
745 | Saviak Vasyl | 1906 | M | Shot to death | Yahlush | |
746 | Ralievych Mykola Dmytrovych | 1909 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
747 | Halay Vasyl Oleksiievych | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany 1941 | Stratyn | |
748 | Fedun Dmytro Andriievych | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany 1942 | Stratyn | |
749 | Martsinkovskyi Ivan Mykh. | 1924 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
750 | Halay Ivan Ivanovych | 1916 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
751 | Fedyna Mykhailivna Mykolaivna | 1921 | F | Deported to Germany 1941 | Stratyn | |
752 | Fedyna Helena Mykolaivna | 1926 | F | Deported to Germany 1942 | Stratyn | |
753 | Hotra Mykhailo Hryhorovych | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany 1941 | Stratyn | |
754 | Hotra Yosyf Hryhorovych | 1936 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
755 | Pastushyn Mykhailo Ivanovych | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
756 | Pastushyn Mariia Ivanivna | 1906 | F | Deported to Germany 1942 | Stratyn | |
757 | Zviryshyn Volodymyr Dmytrovych | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany 1941 | Stratyn | |
758 | Zastrotskyi Mykola Hryh. | 1914 | M | Deported to Germany 1942 | Stratyn | |
759 | Prots Mariia Ivanivna | 1922 | F | Deported to Germany 1941 | Stratyn | |
760 | Myzerna Stepania Dmytrivna | 1926 | F | Deported to Germany 1942 | Stratyn | |
761 | Myzernyi Volodymyr Dmytrovych | 1924 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
762 | Kirzhenskyi Mykhailo Dmytrovych | 1908 | M | Captured in the Polish army | Stratyn | |
763 | Halay Volodymyr Dmytrovych | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
764 | Halay Anastasia Dmytrivna | 1926 | F | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
765 | Prots Dmytro Oleksiievych | 1902 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
766 | Fedkiv Kateryna Mykolaivna | 1923 | F | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
767 | Korol Ivan Mykhailovych | 1921 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
768 | Martyniak Ivan Hryhorovych | 1903 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
769 | Stek Mykola Hryhorovych | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
770 | Ternivskyi Petro Ivanovych | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
771 | Fedun Hryhorii Dmytrovych | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
772 | Fedun Petro Dmytrovych | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
773 | Melnyk Stashka Stepanivna | 1926 | F | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
774 | Klipalo Petro Dmytrovych | 1927 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
775 | Melnyk Stepan Hryhorovych | 1919 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
776 | Padliak Volodymyr Ivanovych | 1927 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
777 | Klipalo Mykhailo Pavlovych | 1927 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
778 | Vyshnivetskyi Dmytro Mykh. | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
779 | Pavlovych Mykhailo Dmytrovych | 1927 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
780 | Martsinkovskyi Oleksa Mykh. | 1900 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
781 | Melnyk Vasyl Dmytrovych | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
782 | Martsinkovskyi Ivan Mykh. | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
783 | Valko Mykhailo Stepanovych | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
784 | Yanush Vasyl Stepanovych | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
785 | Bodnar Stepan Mykhailovych | 1927 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
786 | Prots Petro Ivanovych | 1914 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
787 | Hakalo Stepan Pavlovych | 1915 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
788 | Danyliv Oleksa Tymkovych | 1927 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
789 | Korchynska Mariia Teodorivna | 1925 | F | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
790 | Hyt Pavlina Stepanivna | 1929 | F | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
791 | Hyt Mariia Stepanivna | 1927 | F | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
792 | Palko Ivan Vasylevych | 1928 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
793 | Melnyk Petro Dmytrovych | 1927 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
794 | Danylok Vasyl Mykh. | 1926 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
795 | Danylok Petro Mykh. | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
796 | Danylok Dmytro Mykh. | 1920 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
797 | Fedun Mykola Hryhorovych | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
798 | Fedun Dmytro Hryhorovych | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
799 | Dudi Petro Ivanovych | 1900 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
800 | Yatsyna Volodymyr Kostovych | 1924 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
801 | Pasnak Mykhailo Vasylevych | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
802 | Pasnak Ivan Vasylevych | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
803 | Muzychka Ivan Mykhailovych | 1913 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
804 | Muzychka Volodymyr Mykhailovych | 1924 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
805 | Muzychka Katia Mykhailivna | 1916 | F | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
806 | Muzychna Anna Ivanivna | 1920 | F | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
807 | Kaminskyi Petro | 1928 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
808 | Tarasiuk Roman Ivanovych | 1921 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
809 | Melnyk Ivan Vasylevych | 1910 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
810 | Halay Dmytro Petrovych | 1901 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
811 | Halay Katia Dmytrivna | 1898 | F | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
812 | Halay Mykhailo Dmytrovych | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
813 | Saliy Antin Stepanovych | 1900 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
814 | Kaminskyi Ivan Mykhailovych | 1912 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
815 | Zapolskyi Mykhailo Mykhailovych | 1900 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
816 | Zapolskyi Volodymyr Mykhailovych | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
817 | Zapolskyi Evstakhyi Mykhailovych | 1927 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
818 | Andrushevskyi Stepan Fedorovych | 1915 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
819 | Andrushevskyi Pavlo Fedorovych | 1921 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
820 | Tsiupyra Volodymyr Mykolaievych | 1921 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
821 | Tsiupyra Hryhorii Mykolaievych | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
822 | Andrushevskyi Volodymyr Mykh. | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
823 | Korchynskyi Evsakhii | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
824 | Huzar Antin Hryhorovych | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
825 | Kitsenka Danylo Mykhailovych | 1826 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
827* | Melnyk Mykola Pavlovych | 1909 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
828 | Yakymiv Mykola Ivanovych | 1914 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
829 | Prots Vasyl Ivanovych | 1921 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
830 | Ambruzievych Roman Vasylevych | 1924 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
831 | Prots Teodor Danylovych | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
832 | Fedkiv Mykola Mykhailovych | 1928 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
833 | Ivantsiv Mykola Hryhorovych | 1928 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
834 | Khranovskyi Hryhorii Mykhailovych | 1904 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
835 | Potiakevych Yaroslav Vasylevych | 1928 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
836 | Atamanchuk Izydor Mykolaievych | 1905 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
837 | Ivanitskyi Dmytro Petrovych | 1907 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
838 | Halai Oleksa Dmytrovych | 1905 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
839 | Khranovskyi Mykola Mykhailovych | 1928 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
840 | Prots Mykhailo Oleksiievych | 1928 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
841 | Melnyk Mykhailo Petrovych | 1928 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
842 | Dolishnyi Mykola Antonovych | 1910 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
843 | Pasnak Mykhailo Andriievych | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
844 | Pasnak Anna Andriivna | 1922 | F | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
845 | Moskal Mykola Dmytrovych | 1926 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
846 | Moskal Kateryna Dmytrivna | 1924 | F | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
847 | Melnyk Mykhailo Hryhorovych | 1927 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
848 | Vaskiv Nastia Petrivna | 1911 | F | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
849 | Konopada Mykhailo Hryhorovych | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
850 | Savitska Yuzyna Dmytr. | 1900 | F | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
851 | Idak Hryhorii Stepanovych | 1928 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
852 | Pasnak Fedir Vasylevych | 1915 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
853 | Prots Dmytro Hryhorovych | 1900 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
854 | Dzhymak Vasyl Romanovych | 1916 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
855 | Dzhumak Anna Ivanivna | 1921 | F | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
856 | Prots Mykhailo Dmytrovych | 1905 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
857 | Sveryda Mykhailo Stepanovych | 1907 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
858 | Melnyk Ivan Onufriievych | 1924 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
859 | Prots Anastaziia | 1922 | F | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
860 | Lopushanska Stepania Hryhorivna | 1918 | F | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
861 | Konopada Stepania Hryhorivna | 1918 | F | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
862 | Martsinkovskyi Dmytro Ivanovych | 1889 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
863 | Lopushanskyi Yosyp Hryhorovych | 1897 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
864 | Vesolovskyi Roman Mykhailovych | 1915 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
865 | Prots Anna Dmytrivna | 1925 | F | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
866 | Osadko Mariia Vasylivna | 1927 | F | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
867 | Kushnier Yustyna Vasylivna | 1923 | F | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
868 | Kushnier Hryhorii Ivanovych | 1907 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
869 | Melnyk Anna Hryhorivna | 1924 | F | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
870 | Hohol Vasyl Andriievych | 1928 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
871 | Prots Stepan Ivanovych | 1898 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
872 | Fedun Mykola Hryhorovych | 1926 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
873 | Hordii Fed Tymkovych | 1908 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
874 | Soltys Oleksa Dmytrovych | 1928 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
875 | Tsap Mykola Dmytrovych | 1927 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
876 | Tychkivskyi Ivan | 1012 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
877 | Derevlianyi Mykola Mykh. | 1918 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
878 | Huzar Mykhailo Harasymovych | 1921 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
879 | Huzar Hryhorii Harasymovych | 1926 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
880 | Zhyra Nastia | 1920 | F | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
881 | Hohol Mykola Teodorovych | 1928 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
882 | Hohol Ksenia Teodorivna | 1924 | F | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
883 | Shchur Mykola Ivanovych | 1914 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
884 | Ivantsiv Nastia Hryhorivna | 1922 | F | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
885 | Pasnak Mykola | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
886 | Kuryliv Ivan Vasylevych | 1888 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
887 | Kuryliv Mariia Ivanivna | 1925 | F | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
888 | Kuryliv Dmytro Ivanovych | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
889 | Fedkiv Andrii Oleksiievych | 1908 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
890 | Repeta Mykhailo Vasylevych | 1900 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
891 | Melnyk Volodymyr Mykhailovych | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
892 | Padyk Ivan Andriievych | 1910 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
893 | Melnyk Mykhailo Vasylevych | 1910 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
894 | Moskal Kazymyr Ivanovych | 1925 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
895 | Melnyk Mykola Stakhovych | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
896 | Nakonechnyi Mykola | 1928 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
897 | Nakonechna Mariia | 1926 | F | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
898 | Kovalskyi Antin Frankovych | 1907 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
899 | Lutsiv Petro Fedorovych | 1914 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
900 | Yanush Olha Antonivna | 1923 | F | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
901 | Yanush Stefa Antonivna | 1920 | F | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
902 | Yanush Taras Antonovych | 1930 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
903 | Romaniv Mykhailo Vasylevych | 1909 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
904 | Oliinyk Petro Hryhorovych | 1917 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
905 | Kaminskyi Petro | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
906 | Oliinyk Dmytro Mykhailovych | 1928 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
907 | Makushchak Mykhailo Andriievych | 1923 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
908 | Baksap Dmytro Ivanovych | 1908 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
909 | Martyniak Pavlo Hryhorovych | 1901 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
910 | Moskal Petro Hryhorovych | 1922 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
911 | Atamanchuk Mykola Mykhailovych | 1900 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
912 | Pryshliak Ivan Mykolaievych | 1909 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
913 | Palko Dmytro Ivanovych | 1926 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
914 | Prots Petro Ivanovych | 1902 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn | |
915 | Vyshnivetskyi Mykhailo Mykol. | 1930 | M | Deported to Germany | Stratyn |
Tables: Accounting of the People Killed and Deported into Slavery In Germany
as Reported by Village Councils in the Rohatyn District
Note: These tables are a duplicate of the tables from pages 36~49, but in Russian language, so are not listed again here. Some corrections of the Ukrainian table numbering were incorporated in this alternate version.
p.50 [in Russian language].
Table: Soviet Citizens Killed in the Rohatyn District by the German-Fascist Invaders and Their Accomplices
Note: Apparent errors in the original material are indicated here with an asterisk (*). Uncertain info due to legibility problems are indicated with a question mark (?).
p.59 [in Russian and Ukrainian languages].
No. | Surname, Name, Patronymic | Year Born | Sex | Where & When Killed | Village |
1 | Mykytiv Vitalko | 1870 | M | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | [Unnamed] |
2 | Haiok Mariia Leonivna | 1880 | F | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | [Unnamed] |
3 | Pavlik Ivan Mikhailovych | 1924 | M | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | [Unnamed] |
4 | Kulynych Stefania Ivanivna | 1924 | F | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | [Unnamed] |
5 | Firman Vasyl Hryhorovych | 1929 | M | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | [Unnamed] |
6 | Firman Ivan Hryhorovych | 1921 | M | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | [Unnamed] |
7 | Firman Teklia Hryhorivna | 1924? | M* | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | [Unnamed] |
8 | Zamoiska Nastia Ivanivna | 1920 | M* | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | [Unnamed] |
9 | Zamoiska Mariia Ivanivna | 1929 | M* | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | [Unnamed] |
10 | Valchuk Mariia Hryhorivna | 1928 | F | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | Liubsha |
11 | Valchuk Natalia Hryhorivna | 1926 | F | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | Liubsha |
12 | Korchynska Bliia Hryhorivna | 1924 | F | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | Liubsha |
13 | Korchynskyi Mikhailo | 1929 | M | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | Liubsha |
14 | Khandoha Stepan Andriievych | 1926 | M | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | Liubsha |
15 | Blinskyi Stepan Ivanovych | 1911 | M | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | Liubsha |
16 | Blinskyi Volodymyr Ivanovych | 1928 | M | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | Liubsha |
17 | Rii Vasyl Mykhailovych | 1930 | M | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | Liubsha |
18 | Frankiv Andrii Mykolaievych | 1928 | M | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | Liubsha |
19 | Babii Mykhailo Vasylevych | 1923 | M | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | Liubsha |
20 | Klapko Ekselka Ivanivna | 1926 | F | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | Liubsha |
21 | Marushchak Pazia Teodorivna | 1923 | F | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | Liubsha |
22 | Marushchak Teklia Teodorivna | 1924 | F | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | Liubsha |
23 | Reshytnyk Kateryna | 1924 | F | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | Liubsha |
24 | Senin Teodor Prokopovych | 1893 | M | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | Liubsha |
25 | Pachkovskyi Mykhailo | 1923 | M | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | Liubsha |
26 | Stadovych Mariia Oleksiivna | 1926 | F | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | Liubsha |
27 | Strus Stefania | 1924 | F | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | Liubsha |
28 | Strus Kateryna Ivanivna | 1928 | F | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | Liubsha |
29 | Maksymkiv Kateryna | 1923 | F | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | Liubsha |
30 | Maksymkiv Anna Petrivna | 1927 | F | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | Liubsha |
31 | Maksymkiv Bohdan Petrovych | 1928 | F* | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | Liubsha |
32 | Rii Andrii Antonovych | 1914 | M | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | Liubsha |
33 | Malynovskyi Vasyl Mykh. | 1928 | M | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | Liubsha |
34 | Revutska Mariia Andriivna | 1924 | F | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | Liubsha |
35 | Malynovska Mariia Ivanivna | 1925 | F | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | Liubsha |
36 | Malynovska Pazia Ivanivna | 1928 | F | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | Liubsha |
37 | Kuziv Mariia Oleksivna | 1926 | F | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | Liubsha |
38 | Koryn Semen Mykhailovych | 1914 | M | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | Liubsha |
39 | Kuziv Yevdokha Vasylivna | 1926 | F | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | Liubsha |
40 | Rii Semen Ivanovych | 1914 | M | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | Liubsha |
41 | Stasyshyn Ivan Teodorovych | 1927 | M | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | Liubsha |
42 | Rii Andrii Mykhailovych | 1914 | M | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | Liubsha |
43 | Suiamovska Teklia Ivanivna | 1920 | F | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | Liubsha |
44 | Kravets Kateryna Leonivna | 1925 | F | 25Jul1944 – shot near the house | Liubsha |
45 | Soroka Vasyl Ivanovych | 1913 | M | shot | Liubsha |
46 | Surota Mykola Ivanovych | 1910 | M | shot | Liubsha |
47 | Surota Hryts Ivanovych | 1912 | M | shot | Liubsha |
48 | Surota Mykhailo Ivanovych | 1926 | M | shot | Liubsha |
49 | Surota Vasyl Ivanovych | 1928 | M | shot | Liubsha |
50 | Surota Paraska Fedorivna | 1924 | F | shot | Liubsha |
51 | Malynovska Bliia Mykhailivna | 1926 | F | shot | Liubsha |
52 | Zaborskyi Mykhailo Ivanovych | 1926 | M | shot | Liubsha |
53 | Semchyshyn Vasyl Mykhailovych | 1919 | M | shot | Liubsha |
54 | Malynovskyi Mykhailo Ivanovych | 1922 | M | shot | Liubsha |
55 | Rii Vasyl Andriiovych | 1921 | M | shot | Liubsha |
56 | ? Mykhailo Stepanovych | 1928 | M | shot | Liubsha |
57 | Mykhailiv Matvii S. | 1891 | M | shot | Liubsha |
58 | Zhmut Mykhailo | 1901 | M | shot | Liubsha |
59 | Kvasnytsia Mykola | 1900 | M | shot | Liubsha |
60 | Medynskyi Ivan | 1909 | M | shot | Liubsha |
61 | Saviak Vasyl | 1906 | M | shot | Liubsha |
62 | Kozar Vasyl Ivanovych | 1927 | M | 25Aug killed in Melna | Melna |
63 | Lisovyi Vasyl Tymkovych | 1910 | M | 25Aug killed in Melna during search | Melna |
64 | Tokar Dmytro Ilkovych | 1900 | M | 10Sep killed in Melna during search | Melna |
65 | Kuzyshyn Pavlo Ivanovych | 1897 | M | 26Nov shot in Lviv | Melna |
66 | Kryven Mykhailo Stepanovych | 1910 | M | 26Nov shot in Lviv | Melna |
67 | Shymanskyi Dmytro Prokopovych | 1904 | M | 26Jun1944 killed in Melna by bomb | Melna |
68 | Shymanskyi Ivan Prokopovych | 1924 | M | 26Jun1944 killed in Melna by bomb | Melna |
69 | Oliinyk Mykhailo Mykhailovych | 1904 | M | 15May1943 shot in Lviv | Melna |
70 | Hladkyi Vasyl Savkovych | 1923 | M | 24Jun1944 in Melna at the front | Melna |
71 | Horysh Mykhailo Stepanovych | 1922 | M | 24Jun1944 in Melna at the front | Melna |
72 | Yaremchuk Kateryna Ivanivna | 1924? | F | 25June1944 | Melna |
73 | Savrii Mykhailo | 1915 | M | killed | Perenivka |
74 | Datsii Vasyl | 1930? | M | killed | Perenivka |
75 | Pankiv Vasyl Lev. | 1924 | M | killed | Dychky |
76 | Kulynych Mykhailo Mykol. | 1913 | M | killed | Dychky |
77 | Savchuk Ivan | 1930 | M | killed | Dychky |
78 | Shemberka Vasyl | 1889 | M | killed | Dychky |
79 | Kvasnytsia Vaska Ste. | 1912 | M* | killed | Dychky |