Category: News

Article Written by Mr. Vorobets About Last Month’s Lecture to Rohatyn’s High School Students

Thanks to Abe Lyons in Rohatyn for forwarding to me the attached article written by Mr. Vorobets that appeared in a local Ukrainian newspaper about my lecture in November to Rohatyn high school students, and to Jeremy Borovitz for the quick English translation, included below! Warm regards to all, Marla Ця стаття також доступна українською. [Note: This report was originally…

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A Visitor to Rohatyn: Rav Gabai

Jeremy Borovitz reported to me yesterday that he had heard from Abram Lyons, the Peace Corps volunteer currently serving in Rohatyn; Abe related some events of the day and forwarded several photos. Abe had been contacted the previous day by Rav Israel Meir Gabai, director of Agudas Ohalei Tzadikim (the organization which had built the ohel in Rohatyn’s old Jewish…

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Donation of the Box of Rohatyn Jewish Papers Today to Hesed-Arieh in Lviv

Today we went to Hesed-Arieh of Lviv to meet with Hesed Director Ada Dianova and Mr. Yaremkiv of Rohatyn.  The purpose of the meeting was to be present for the donation of the box of Jewish papers and scraps to Hesed’s Museum by Mr. Yaremkiv, the Rohatyn Director of the Internat (boarding school for children). Ця стаття також доступна українською.…

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The Box of Jewish Papers & Yesterday’s Visit to Hesed-Arieh in Lviv

Yesterday Jay and I went with group member Alex Denysenko to meet with Hesed-Arieh (Lviv) Director Ada Dianova about having her on-site Museum accept donation of the box of Rohatyn Jewish papers collected by the Director of Rohatyn’s Internat (Boarding) school.  (You will recall that the fate of this rare and important collection of papers from the Rohatyn ghetto during…

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9~10Jun2011 Visit to Rohatyn

Jay and I returned to Lviv last night from Rohatyn and I wanted to give you a summary of our latest visit. This was our final trip to the town this Spring – we are leaving Lviv later this coming week.  We will return to Lviv in mid-September and stay until 10 November, during which time we will probably make…

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