Category: News

Remembering Together, Though Apart

Due to the worldwide pandemic, Jay and I were unable this year to physically stand beside the memorial at the “vodokanal” Jewish mass grave site in Rohatyn to recite a prayer of remembrance for the more than 3,000 Jewish victims of the final liquidation of Rohatyn’s wartime Jewish ghetto on the anniversary. Instead, sheltering in place in northern California, we…

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Jewish Headstones Recovered from Demolished Cellar

Earlier this month, a Rohatyn resident uncovered more than half a dozen Jewish headstone fragments during a DIY home repair project. As he pulled building stones and rubble from the walls of an old cellar, Oleh Yefimovych was startled to turn over seven of the removed building-block-sized pieces to see Hebrew lettering and ornamental markings typical of Jewish headstones. His…

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RJH Annual Report 2019

This is a descriptive annual report for Rohatyn Jewish Heritage (RJH) covering the calendar year 2019 – in essence a year-in-review summary of our project progress and events, with an outline of our finances as well. To compare our progress in 2019 to our forecast of a year ago, see also our report for 2018. Most elements of this review…

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New Batch of Jewish Headstones Recovered in Rohatyn

This morning we recovered seven Jewish headstone fragments from a residential construction site on vul. Petra Mohyla in Rohatyn, and returned them to the old Jewish cemetery in town, where we are working this week again to tame wild vegetation. The headstone fragments were discovered last week in the structure of a post-war house which is currently being dismantled. The…

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Our Third Cemetery Volunteer Event in 2019

This week Marla and I joined friends and colleagues in another large 3-day volunteer event to clear and clean the Jewish cemeteries in Rohatyn, conducted by our NGO Rohatyn Jewish Heritage. Building on past efforts and powered by the muscle and minds of many wonderful American and Ukrainian volunteers, together we accomplished more than we had hoped at the start,…

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Marla to Receive Fulbright Grant for Heritage Project in Rohatyn

I am proud and excited to report that Marla has been selected to receive a Fulbright scholarship grant for the 2019-2020 academic year, to support a heritage project at the old Jewish cemetery in Rohatyn. The grant will enable research and planning for rehabilitation and commemoration at the cemetery site, networking and educational exchanges with academic and cultural institutions in…

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