Category: News

Ukrainian TV News Interview About the Headstone Project

The interview with Alex Feller and Marla Raucher Osborn for Ukrainian TV news, conducted in the Rohatyn town library on 17May2011 (as described in an earlier report) is now available on YouTube on the Rohatyn library’s channel. Alex Denysenko provided language interpretation during the interview; Ihor Klishch, Yefim Kogan and I created the English subtitles in the YouTube version. Ця…

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17May2011 Visit to Rohatyn

Dobry den and good afternoon, I just wanted to give you a brief summary of yesterday’s visit to Rohatyn – there were 7 of us: me, Jay, Alex Feller, and Mitchell & Dori Glotzer, along with Alex Denysenko and his driver Vitaly.  We left Lviv around 9:00 a.m. and returned home just after midnight. Hundreds more photos were taken by…

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Jewish Tombstones of Rohatyn

It is very late after a full day of exploring Rohatyn, examining and locating some family homes, and documenting Jewish gravestones in the old cemetery. So I will make this quick. I have uploaded [to the genealogy group private site] images of all of the tombstones that we were able to photograph and document at this time. These include tombstones…

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Quick Note about Our Day in Rohatyn

As the topic line says, just a quick note – nearly midnight and sitting in our hotel room in Rohatyn with Alex Feller, sorting photos and notes, and talking about the events of the day. The Jewish headstones scattered around town seem to have no end in sight. While viewing and photographing the dozen or so we already knew about…

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Rohatyn Visit 13Apr2011

The following is a summary of our 13 April 2011 visit to Rohatyn.  This, as you already know, was our second trip since having landed in Lviv the end of March. We arrived in Rohatyn by rental car just before noon, after having booked a room for the night at Hotel Fortuna in Cherche, 5 kilometers away. We were to…

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2011 Rohatyn Visit #1

Yesterday Jay and I made our first visit since 2008 to Rohatyn.  We were accompanied by researcher and fellow Rohatyn group member Alex Denysenko and his driver, Vitaly. For this first visit, we decided to make as our primary goal finding the sites we were unable to locate in Rohatyn during our wintry 2008 visit; namely, the “new” Jewish cemetery…

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